God of War Ragnarök leaks early, big spoilers everywhere

God of War Ragnarök leaks early, big spoilers everywhere

God of War

screenshot: Sony Santa Monica | Kotaku

Next God of War Ragnarokone of the biggest PlayStation games of the year, isn’t supposed to be released until November 9, but over the past 24 hours, video sites and social media sites have been filled with clips of people playing their way through the entire game.

We wrote a similar story last week, but it was relatively small in comparison; Some people who have reviewed the game have accidentally shared their screenshots, and while some of them could have suggested certain things would happen, most of them were pretty nice.

This, however, is The whole game Being there, more than a week before his release. The game is believed to have leaked when a store in the United States, with its inventory on hand, mistakenly started selling copies early on, which in the genre of news stories are as old as time. Director Cory Barlog is a bit disappointed:

Meanwhile, given how easy it is to find footage right now – some YouTube videos have it Millions Views Already – Santa Monica Studio developers released a statement asking everyone to consider fans who don’t want to spoil the game, but also in practice for those fans maybe trying to stay offline for next week:

As we get closer to launch, it’s important for our studio to maintain the God of War Ragnarök experience for players who want to enjoy the game for the first time without spoilers.

We kindly ask you to please consider the many fans who don’t want to accidentally see clips, gameplay or narrative spoilers and avoid sharing them more widely.

We do our best to limit viewing of unauthorized screenshots and screenshots, but the truth is that we can’t capture everything.

For those who don’t want to risk seeing anything before launch, we strongly advise you to mute any keywords or hashtags associated with the game until release day.

We appreciate the support you have given us more than we can say. We can assure you that it will be worth the wait to experience the game for yourself when it releases in less than two weeks on November 9th.

Thank you

Santa Monica studio

While There’s always a very constructive discussion to be had about how “spoiler culture” has shaped the discussion of our favorite games, shows, and movies.The God of War The games are solo adventures as seeing the story unfold is half the reason why people play them. If so, you may want to heed Sony’s advice and mute everything for the next week!

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