Govt-19: Pet stores overwhelmed by calls about Ivermectin

Govt-19: Pet stores overwhelmed by calls about Ivermectin

Ivermectin is a product used to treat certain parasitic infections, especially in horses, pigs and sheep.

In some cases, the drug may be prescribed to humans with certain parasites, but in different proportions and in different forms than to animals.

Four to five calls per week

Lance Olson, manager of the Calgary-based Lone Star Tag & Feed Inc. pet store, says people usually order their pets twice a year: in the fall, and after the land thaws in the spring.

Since November, his product has received an average of four to five calls a week for this product.

These are those kinds of calls […] “Do you have Ivermectin?” If we say yes, they say they want to buy 120 milliliters, which is enough to deworm at least 10 horses, Says Olson.

Most of these people do not even have a farm identification number (PID), which is mandatory for all farmers in Alberta, he says.

It is also forbidden to sell to those who do not have Ivermectin.

The owners of the other two Alberta businesses, who asked not to be named, confirmed that they too had witnessed the same event.

Dr. Michael Sattenoy, surgeon at the hospital Gray nuns From Edmonton, a Govt-19 positive person says he heard Ivermectin last week. He notes that another patient soon made a similar request to his colleague.

This is worrying. People who are already afraid or anxious about being vaccinated seek out and stick to these treatments that are harmful to them., he said.

It is not known what this animal product will do to the human body. Do not buy it for this purpose. It is not safe and has no value for risk.

A quote:Lance Olson, manager of Lone Star Tag & Feet

Ingestion of unsuitable dosage or types of Ivermectin may cause diarrhea, nausea, vomiting or low blood pressure.

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Efficacy against COVID-19 has not been demonstrated

Although it is mainly used against parasites, researchers suggest that the action of Ivermectin may also inhibit the activity of some viruses.

None of its randomized clinical trials have been proven as a treatment for COVID-19.

The main study on this topic has already been published, i.e. before being reviewed on the research square platform in November 2020.

It was withdrawn in July based on ethical concerns, after researchers pointed out several inconsistencies in the methods.

Some studies (New window) Based on statistical analyzes, Covit-19 patients treated with Ivermectin have a lower mortality rate, while randomized clinical trials emphasize a cause-and-effect link.

Ivermectin’s problem is not a conspiracy or any ideological or political difference. It does not work […] And taking pet medicine is not the best way to protect yourself, it is the vaccine.

A quote:Dr. Christopher Labos is a cardiologist and epidemiologist at McGill University

American Echoes in Alberta

As early as November, many right-wing politicians and figures in the United States began talking about the effects of Ivermectin against Govt-19.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the United States has found a large increase in cases of ivermectin poisoning and asked doctors to be careful.

In a tweet released Saturday, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) reminded the public of that You are not a horse, you are not a cow, Begged him to stop taking Ivermectin, a veterinary drug.

These warnings did not stop some Alberta personalities from talking about the benefits of Ivermectin against Govit-19.

Kevin J. Johnston, A Calgary mayoral candidate known for his far-right positions, who pleaded guilty to criminal harassment charges against Alberta health services employees, has recommended getting Ivermectin on animals or farms in Alberton stores.

Controversial Ontario MP who is now competing independently in the Banf-Airtre ride.

Writer and radio presenter Daniel Smith also suggested withholding information about Alberta Health Services and the Alberta College of Physicians and Surgeons Ivermect.

It annoys me, Lot Olson de Lone Star Tag & Feed Inc.

He notes that some provinces do not require a farm identification number to purchase drugs for livestock. In fact, he received a growing number of orders for Ivermectin from British Columbia in early summer.

So his business decided to remove ivermectin from inventory published online in July. It has also stopped accepting orders for Ivermectin from outside Alberta.

We do not want to be overly responsible, or someone with knowledge should give it to their child , he said.

With information from Sarah Regers

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