Grande Guignoli by South Shore Media | New package to cover theft

Grande Guignoli by South Shore Media |  New package to cover theft

A new donation collection will take place in Saint-Lambert, Montérégie, to cover the fifty food boxes for families in need that were stolen last week from the Grande Guignolee media warehouse on the South Bank.

This new collection will take place on January 3 in Saint-Lambert from 7 am to 9 am and from 4 pm to 6 pm.

Several drop-off points are planned, namely:

  • Corner of Sir-Wilfrid-Laurier Boulevard and Victoria Avenue (near McDonald's);
  • corner of Victoria Avenue and Green Street (downtown Saint-Lambert);
  • corner of Notre-Dame Avenue and Riverside Street (near Durocher College);
  • Corner of Boulevard Simard and Rue du Pas-de-Calais.

Donations Online is also possible.

Note that clues to the theft were discovered last Thursday by those in charge of the collection. About twenty organizations in the Longueuil agglomeration benefit each year from donations collected by the South Shore Media Grande Guignolée.

Fifty of the stolen boxes contained a kit of items — non-perishable food, medical supplies, diapers, new clothes — intended for families in need. The collection made it possible to produce more than 400 boxes, he said Pres Manager, Jean-Marie Girard.

Disturbed by this theft, the citizens of Saint-Lambert decided to mobilize to collect new donations.

In a Dec. 31 press release, Herman Champagne, the citizen behind the initiative, said, “When I heard the news, I was shocked and saddened.

“Generosity and social involvement are fundamental values ​​deeply embedded in Saint-Lambert. I am convinced that our contribution will make a real difference. »

Those wishing to donate food are asked to call 514 993-2657 and make sure a volunteer is available at the warehouse located at 845 avenue Saint-Charles in Saint-Lambert.

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With information from Vincent Laurin, Pres

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