Guinness: The site of the Great Kamorashka breaks all records

Guinness: The site of the Great Kamorashka breaks all records

The Grand labyrinth Kamouraska in La Pocatière holds the Guinness World Record for the largest traditional corn maze, three years after its first attempt.

“It’s a real achievement for us! We believed in it, but we didn’t believe it. We knew there was good competition! Says Luc Pelletier, the instigator of the project.

Its seasonal maze, cut across more than 266,000 square meters of cornfields and lined with 21 km of trails, was recognized on Tuesday by the prestigious organization that has held records since 1955.

Its creator, Luc Pelletier, is delighted to have finally set a record

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Its creator, Luc Pelletier, is delighted to have finally set a record

This year, its closest competitor was located at Stony Brook Farms in Foley, Minnesota. With an area twice the size of Kamorska, it seemed well-placed to win the honor.

“But it doesn’t meet some of the strict Guinness World Records criteria,” Pelletier says, noting the trails are not always level, sometimes too wide and not enough dead ends.

Global recognition

After initially failing to make it into the prestigious book in 2019, this year he wanted to make sure he got things right. For more than two months, he hand-pulled corn for miles with his wife and daughters.

“For the record, I told myself it should hurt a little. It did!” he says with a laugh.

Luc Pelletier started this ambitious project that he wanted since 2016 because he wanted to “leave his mark on the world and give something to his daughters”. But we recognize his small town La Pocatière internationally.

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“This week, an article appeared in France talking about our site. Being able to shine like that really warms my heart! He is happy.

Always great

Since the first edition in 2016, Luc Pelletier estimates that more than 100,000 “lost people” have visited his work located on route 132. Although he doesn’t have exact data yet, he believes it has more viewers than ever before. year.

He hopes to try to break the area record he broke again next year with increased traffic again.

“A record to be broken, we condemn to expand! Father says he is targeting 283,000 square meters next year with a new project.

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