Halloween | “Our baby’s heart is coming back”

Halloween |  “Our baby’s heart is coming back”

The rain did not dampen the interest of superheroes, witches and vampires wandering the streets of Montreal in search of candy on Sunday night. Doubling their originality, young and old alike embraced the second Halloween feast in times of epidemics.

Coralie Laplande

Coralie Laplande

Plateau Mont-Royal streets came to life from the beginning of the evening. Many houses were decorated with pumpkins and multi-colored lights.

Dozens of young people were parked in front of Edmond Boileau’s house. With his children Lucy, Jules and Madeleine, he delivered sweets from the top of his porch, using a basket hung from the end of a rope.

“That evening we waited for months,” says the father behind a bird mask. He explains that he developed his candy distribution system last year due to an epidemic.

In the same area, Andy Margot stayed outside to give candy to dressed children after working at Les Tailors Hair. “This is a very residential area, there are a lot more [personnes] Who decorated it, ”he says.

A little further on, two neighbors have taken refuge in the rain and set up a marquee on the sidewalk to distribute treats. “We’re having fun, our baby’s heart is coming back,” says Jeanne Audette, and everyone laughed.

He provided the children with individually prepared bags, and because he was vaccinated, he was not afraid of COVID-19. “The communication didn’t last long anyway,” she said. Joel Richard was handing him candies next to him. “We love it,” he recalled, adding that the Halloween party was a real tradition for his family.

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Guidelines and creativity

The Department of Health and Social Services has released recommendations regarding the conduct of Halloween. 1 m distance between people should be respected as much as possible. “Avoid singing or shouting in front of guests.”

Hand washing before and after collecting candy is recommended. Distributing treats in personal bags was desirable to minimize contact.

Other Montreals are creative, this time changing their alleys for Halloween. Under a marquee, white smoke billowed from a small machine, and strange-looking pumpkins blew light from small paper lamps. Parents there served sweets.

“We have a Facebook team for the alley,” explains Alain Ducesne. “People are being asked to remove their cars. People have been attending for about four years. For children, it is safer than walking on sidewalks or crossing the street, ”he continues.

Located on the plateau Mont-Royal, this alley is popular with Halloween enthusiasts. Martine Trudel and her twins Kellyan and Isaac Trudel, who live in the Hochelaga-Maisonneuve area, were special there. “We come every year and we are never disappointed,” Mom says.

“Excited than last year”

According to Jill de Konink, Halloween night was “much more exciting than last year” Press, His son Nile filled his bag with candy.

The house of Francine and Renault Cascon was decorated from floor to ceiling. Demons and inflated pumpkins surrounded the entrance to the entrance, and orange string lights adorned the building. The couple has been recognized in the area for their home decor for the past fifteen years.

“We have produced about 350 bags,” Mr. Gascon explains, wearing a pirate hat. In the column PressBy 6:30 p.m., more than half had already passed.

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Couples are not only famous for their original decorations. A canoe hung on the balcony, in the area of ​​De Lormier Park. Two men, wearing checkers shirts, threw candy in children’s bags. In order to recreate the mythical scene of the story, a false little forest was set on the ground. Hunt-gallery.

“It simply came to our notice then [des gens] People who have already come to tell us: “We came for it, you didn’t do it,” says Jean-Fran்கois Boer. This year he and his wife, Virginie, decided to recreate their famous outfit. ” ! ‘ “

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