He threatened to assassinate Port-Cartier: Dmitry Cenos pleads guilty

He threatened to assassinate Port-Cartier: Dmitry Cenos pleads guilty

A 21-year-old man who threatened to kill a school in Port-Cartier last August has pleaded guilty in Sept-Isles court on Thursday.

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Dmitry Senos will learn his sentence in a month.

The defense and public prosecutors disagreed on how much to sentence him.

In the morning, after recording his guilt, Dmitry Cenos testified as part of sentencing submissions.

The man, who was surrounded by three reform officers, said he did not remember being repeatedly threatened by four people in the presence of co-workers about his intent to kill people at Port-Cartier High School. , Afri Education Center.

Dmitry Cenos explained that last summer he used a lot of drugs – three and a half grams of cannabis and three and a half grams of xylose (magic mushrooms) every day.

Mr Simon Blanchett, a prosecuting attorney for criminal and criminal prosecutors, pointed out that drug use cannot act as a screen to acquit someone. He also questioned the drug use of the accused, believing he was still at risk of recurrence. This refers to the psychologist’s report that Dmitry Cenos was not suffering from any mental illness.

“My understanding of the report is that the risk of reconsideration is very serious. We are talking about the magnitude used to calculate this risk of recurrence. We are talking about seven of the nine risk categories. Me Blanchette explained that he demanded 20 months ‘detention for Dimitri Xenos, indicating almost four months’ detention.

Instead, Dmitry Cenos’ lawyer campaigned for a four-month sentence that would allow Dmitry Cenos to be released the day after the sentence was announced.

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Mr. Michael Schwart believes that as an adult the judiciary deserves a sentence that goes in the direction of rehabilitating the missing man.

He believes his client, who has a smooth work and life, has no real intentions of killing civilians. He particularly insists that Dmitry Cenos did not have the ammunition to load the three weapons he had.

“Of course he had legal guns, for which he had all the legitimacy required by law. But he had no ammunition. I think this is an important aspect. “It simply came to our notice then.

Judge Natalie Aubry took up the case under counsel. He will be sentenced on November 23.

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