Health reform | Dubey can use crowbar

Health reform |  Dubey can use crowbar

(Quebec) Christian Dubey hasn’t ruled out closing in on the adoption of his sweeping health care reform by the end of the fall. The health minister wants the new Sainte-Québec agency to be “up and running” by the spring of 2024.

On the first day of the resumption of scrutiny of the imposed Bill 15, which aims to make the health and social service network more efficient, Minister Dubey refused to promise not to seek a shutdown. In an interview tour on Monday morning, key stakeholders argued that this was not his intention at the moment, but that he could not rule out this option for the future.

“Of course I don’t need a cake, but if we do, we will at some point. But we’re not there right now,” he told the show. All in one morning By Patrick Masbourian. Mr. Dube notes.

“I can’t wait to see the opposition’s reaction to the amendments we’re going to put forward because there are so many that reflect just what we’ve discussed. [le député solidaire Vincent Marissal]But with the Liberal Party and the Parti Québécois,” he explained.

MPs resume on Monday a detailed examination of the legislative speech they left behind in June at the end of the session. It is scheduled to work for six days till August 29. The minister is expected to present a set of new amendments during the week that will significantly affect medical management.

Amendments are proposed to the definition of consultation of physicians, dentists and pharmacists (CPDP). They say they are excluded from “decision-making” positions.

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Pres On Monday, Quebec Solidaire member Mr. Dube will be asked not to seek closure. On Paul Arcand’s microphone on 98.5 FM, the minister replied that he “needs the cooperation of the opposition” to advance the legislative speech of around 1,200 articles.

“Of the 1,100 or so articles, about 600 we take from the old law, so we have to keep calm,” he said, explaining that about 200 articles of the draft law are more “harsh”.

“If we start, I think we can get there in a reasonable amount of time,” the minister continued. The latter aims to build Sainte-Québec by spring 2024. It is important to note that Bill 15 provides for a period of six months from its adoption to create this brand new Crown Corporation. The minister hopes his reform could be adopted sometime in the autumn.

MPs devoted around 36 hours to clause-by-clause scrutiny of Christian Dubey’s legislation during the last parliamentary session – excluding the special consultation phase. Mr. Dube had refused.

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