Here are the next two times Evansville will fall in the path of a total eclipse

Here are the next two times Evansville will fall in the path of a total eclipse

EVANSVILLE – If you missed Monday's total solar eclipse over Evansville, don't worry: It will happen again… 129 years later.

According to both NASA And Eclipse wiseThe city won't even fall in the path of the kidney October 17, 2153. That's when the eclipse will sweep from the southern tip of Alaska and pass through a large swath of Indiana, including Indianapolis, Bloomington, Princeton, and, yes, Evansville.

That's certainly a long wait, but it's a bit shorter than the recent gap between the totals. Before Monday, the previous total solar eclipse over the city occurred in 1869 – 155 years ago. Residents will receive the following A realistic chance of achieving totality in 2044When the path crosses the American South.

Here's some information about the two upcoming solar eclipses in Evansville itself, and what the world could look like when they arrive.

2153 Total solar eclipse

If you enter Evansville's longitude, latitude and elevation into Eclipse Wise — a website run by retired NASA astrophysicist Fred Espenak — it claims the maximum totality of the eclipse will hit the city around 11:08 a.m. that day. For a few minutes, the moon will turn into a black dot in front of the sun, with a crest of dim light extending from its edges.

If there were people still gathering to watch it, they would likely gasp in amazement, just as thousands did along the riverbank on Monday. And with some lucky genetics and some advances in medical technology, some of the little kids who watched the spectacle this week could come back for a distant sequel — like Sadie Stallings of Atlanta, Georgia, who watched from her stroller alongside her parents, Cody, and her parents. Amber.

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But according to many biologists and physicists Interviewed by Monmouth College Last year, in a series about what the world will look like in the 22nd century, an increasingly dangerous climate could make viewing conditions perilous.

Retired biology professor Ken Kramer noted that global temperature had already risen by 1.2 degrees Celsius, and said another jump to 1.5 degrees Celsius was inevitable. Many scientists predicted that the increase could reach 2.

“I don't want to be too pessimistic, but if I were younger, I would be really worried,” he said. “You're already seeing the effects of all these multibillion-dollar disasters. The number of these disasters has risen dramatically, and they've had devastating consequences.

Study conducted by Indiana University It found that extreme precipitation events in the state will become more extreme by 2100, adding 3-4 inches per day in wet events. This will swell the Ohio River.

Even with all that, the population in Evansville and the world is likely to rise sharply, putting more pressure on the environment — not to mention an economy that could be overwhelmed by automation. United nations He said that the Earth's population could reach 10.4 billion people by 2100, which represents a jump of 2.5 billion people from today.

Next eclipse: 2343

After 2153, the Tri-State would not fall into the path again until 190 years later, on February 25, 2343.

But according to Eclipse Wise and other forecasters, the city of Evansville itself will be right out of line. Just like 2024's path, the totality will crest across North America from Texas and burn across southern Illinois, just a hair west of the Indiana border.

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Predicting what our region will look like next is basically impossible. That means 319 years from now: the equivalent of someone imagining the year 2024 in 1705. Isaac Newton was still alive at the time.

One thing is for sure: none of us will be around to see it. That's why many who gazed into the Evansville sky Monday were proud of what they saw.

“It's amazing and emotional,” Amber Stallings said after the totality passed. “It brought tears to my eyes.”

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