Humans may develop deformed bodies, the second eyelid from overuse of technology

Humans may develop deformed bodies, the second eyelid from overuse of technology

Claw-like hands, smaller brains, and 90-degree elbows could all be in our future if we don’t pay more attention to our posture — and everything besides screens.

Cerritos, California – A new computer model has revealed that curvature of the back, eyelid and claw may be common features of human anatomy in the future. A new report warns that the overuse of technology could be driving human development in a direction that leaves people looking disfigured compared to what we consider normal today.

There is no doubt that technology is now playing a constant role in the lives of many people, but what does all those screen times do to the human body? The researchers worked with a 3D designer to create a “future human” responsible for all the problems that long-term use of the technology could cause.

Specifically, they were inspired by a new survey that found that the average American uses the Internet for seven hours a day. With this in mind, the team took into account a wide range of scientific studies and expert opinions to examine the physical and mental changes that come from constant exposure to smartphones, laptops, and television. The results were horrific.

Mindy human technology

People are curved back

The research project, commissioned by, led to the development of the 3D model, called “Mindy”. Researchers predict that desk work and neck lifting to look at smartphones will cause humans to bend in the future. Currently, many people are constantly adjusting their poses to look down at their phones, or to look at their desk screens. Studies show that this stresses parts of the body that affect the position.

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“Spending hours looking at your phone strains your neck and imbalances your spine. Thus, your neck muscles have to make extra effort to support your head. Sitting in front of a computer at the office for hours, Caleb Buck, health and wellness expert at Maple Holistics, says. Cascading also means that your torso is pulled in front of your hips instead of being stacked straight and aligned. Statement from TollFreeForwarding.

humping back

Text claw and elbow problems

One of the most notable changes is the development of ‘text claw’, a new term that describes how the hand begins to take on the shape of a permanent claw due to Always carry the smartphone.

Humans in the future may also evolve to have a 90 degree elbow thanks to Excessive use of cell phones to make calls. This condition will cause the elbow to be permanently bent at a 90-degree angle.

“The way we hold our phones can cause strain at some contact points — causing ‘text paw’ and ’90 degree elbow’ also known as cubital tunnel syndrome,” says Dr. Nikola Djordjevic from Med Alert Help.

This syndrome is caused by compression or pulling of the ulnar nerve that runs into a groove on the inner side of the elbow. This causes numbness or a tingling sensation in the ring and little fingers, forearm pain and weakness in the hands – resulting in prolonged elbow flexion.”

Mindy hand text

Will a person develop a second eyelid?

Interestingly, the Mindy model predicts that humans will end up developing a unique model Defense against too much blue light From digital devices – the second eyelid.

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Previous studies have found that exposure to blue light can occur disrupts sleep patternsThis leads to insomnia and other health problems. Excessive screen time can also lead to headaches, eyestrain, and Even double vision Especially among children.

“Humans may develop a larger inner eyelid to prevent exposure to excessive light, or the lens of the eye may be evolutionary so that it blocks incoming blue light but not other high-wavelength lights such as green, yellow, or red,” says Cason Ratnayake. University of Toledo.

Mindy's eyelid

Neck Technology and Smaller Minds

Finally, Mindy reveals that humans in the future will likely suffer from a serious case of ‘tech neck’, where muscles grow to limit the damage caused by bad posture. Moreover, Mindy’s skull is thicker to help protect the human body from damaging radiofrequency waves. Claimed to come from smartphones.

Studies show that a sedentary lifestyle can occur Reduce the capacity of the human brain. With that in mind, Mindy also has a brain that is smaller than the brain of humans nowadays. In addition, all of this could lead to humans in the future becoming more susceptible to mental health conditions such as anxiety and depression, according to the researchers.

“Technology gives us so much. Convenience, connectivity, entertainment and more — but there is a trade-off. Overexposure to technology can sometimes harm our health, and Mindy is our visual representation of a growing body of scientific research,” says Jason O’Brien, COO of

“While the benefits of technology for individuals and businesses are too great to be ignored, it is useful to evaluate your use to ensure your health is not damaged in the long term.”

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