It appears that the special move in Assassin’s Creed Mirage was broken on purpose

It appears that the special move in Assassin’s Creed Mirage was broken on purpose

Ubisoft’s new Assassin’s Creed game is all about stealth and precision, but main character Basim still gets a silly special move.

It’s called Assassin’s Focus, and it allows you to freeze time and draw a grid over multiple enemies to move between them all and kill them in quick succession. It’s like the Quickdraw mode in Red Dead Redemption, except you’re physically stabbing people in the neck with each bullet.

At the beginning of Assassin’s Creed Mirage, you can only perform this effect on two enemies at a time, but with further upgrades, you’ll be able to expand this effect to quickly finish off an entire group of enemies at once.

11 things you should know about Assassin’s Creed MirageWatch on YouTube

It’s a dazzling action, made all the more attention-grabbing by the visual effects it includes – which make it look like the game is crashing.

Why does it look so broken? Ubisoft says it all comes down to the fact that you’re playing in a simulation, where you can access the main character’s memories using an Animus device. Simply put, Basim was too quick to kill, and the Animus was struggling to calculate.

“I asked Ubisoft Bordeaux about this,” GameInformer’s Wesley LeBlanc said, as he shed more light via a… mail On X, formerly Twitter.

“And while yes, it’s there because it’s fun/cool, they wisely said that Basem was so fast/effective that the animus struggles to keep up with his memories sometimes, hence the glitch effect.”

So here we go. The effect is not a bug and is all intentional – just like chromatic aberration in Assassin’s Creed Mirage, which players are now modding the game to get rid of.

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