It is not mandatory to be isolated from Saturday after the Govt-19 contact

It is not mandatory to be isolated from Saturday after the Govt-19 contact

As of Saturday, the Cubs were in contact with someone COVID-19 If there are no symptoms of the disease, there is no need to isolate him at home for five days. They can always go to work and do their job wearing a mask. However, public health recommends that they avoid visiting vulnerable individuals for ten days and frequent visits to masked areas such as restaurants and bars.

Dr. as National Director of Public Health.R. Luc Boileau announced the relaxation of these isolation rules during a press conference on Thursday. His senior strategic medical consultant, Dr.D. Mary-France Ronald, by his side.

According to the latter, this new isolation rule is “reasonably sensible” in the current context. He cited British Columbia as an example, which implemented the measure in early January. ” [Son] The experience is really inspiring, he said. They had the biggest omigron wave [à ce moment] We have seen that they have not prevented the decline in cases since they carried out this operation. ⁇

D.R. Boileau confirmed during a press conference that he was showing the green light to hold the prom in June. D.D. Renault justified this immediate recommendation by saying, “The number of high school students is very well vaccinated”, these events require several months of preparation and they occur in the summer, during which time the virus spreads. Less.

The strategic medical consultant further pointed out The 125 Quebec delegates to the National Assembly will return to the Blue Room on Tuesday. However, they are required to wear a mask similar to that of other workers, subject to Standards, Equity, Health and Safety in the Workplace (CNESST) rules.

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“The current situation allows us to be optimistic,” says Dr.R. Boylev. Great days are coming for all of us in Quebec. ⁇

From Saturday, the Public places no longer require a health passport There the reception capacity will increase to 100%. Dance and karaoke activities may resume. By mid-April, the mask will no longer be needed in public places, except for public transport.

The current situation allows us to be optimistic.

At a press conference, D.C.R. Boileau points out that the number of hospital admissions has decreased (1,162 people on Thursday, including 68 in intensive care) Although it is high. “More than 50% of people with COVID-19 are hospitalized for other health problems,” he said.

Always infection and death

However, Omigran is still in circulation and people are dying from COVID-19, டாக்டர்.R. Boylev. More than 10% of Covid-19 cases in Quebec are now associated with BA.2, which “spreads more easily and quickly” than Omicron.

So people have to show “civilization”R. Boileau, by protecting the most vulnerable, i.e. those with immunodeficiency, the elderly and the chronically ill.

Asked about the reported deaths (Thursday 15), D.C.R. Boileau responded that Quebec’s balance sheet includes people who have died from COVID-19, but not just because of it.

A team examined two weeks of recorded deaths in seven major Quebec hospitals to determine how many of them were actually due to COVID-19. “In almost 30% of cases, the” primary cause “of death cannot be caused by COVID-19 alone,” said Dr.R. Boileau during the press conference.

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“For example, there are people with lung disease [avancée]And short-lived and unfortunately suffering from COVID-19, ”he explained.

Should the elderly not be given a fourth dose? “We often ask this question,” D repliedR. Boylev. The National Institute of Public Health of Quebec’s Immunization Committee is studying this issue.

“I can assure you that we have been very optimistic for the past few weeks [l’efficacité] Vaccines for those who benefit from them, but over time, the immunity derived from the vaccine will slowly weaken, d.R. Boylev. So, when it starts to get a little more dangerous, we want to make sure we can give a fourth dose. It will be recommended soon. ⁇

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