Jack Black continues to be the best thing about Super Mario Bros. Ultimate.

Jack Black continues to be the best thing about Super Mario Bros. Ultimate.

One of the first stops in Super Mario Bros game. A press tour (sans Anya Taylor-Joy, unfortunately) has been anything but The Kelly Clarkson Show, where things did not go well for Bowse-er, Jack Black. As Keegan Michael Key, Charlie Day, and “Mario” bob on the set, Kelly asks, “Where’s Jack?” As you’ll find in the clip above, Kelly appears to be Likes Bowser (the character voiced by Black), but he won’t come out because he’s the only one of them wearing his character’s costume.

that it So It’s obviously a bit short, but Black still sells the betrayal quite well. Seeing him then hop in amazement in a skintight Bowser costume that has an inconspicuous junk area (this is for a Nintendo movie, after all) makes the look way more fun to watch than your average movie promotional look.

Super Mario Bros movie Releases in cinemas on Wednesday, April 5. This release date is new as of two days ago, after the recent change from its launch originally scheduled for April 7th. Personally, I expected Jack Black to steal the show, but I didn’t expect him to steal the talk show either.

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