James Webb Space Telescope Strikes Again, Delivers New Image of Bright Galaxy

James Webb Space Telescope Strikes Again, Delivers New Image of Bright Galaxy

Scientists from the European Space Agency have released images of Messier 106, a nearby spiral galaxy located in the constellation Canes Venatici. These stunning images of Messier 106, also known as NGC 4258, were taken using the groundbreaking James Webb Space Telescope.

The space observatory carries a sophisticated near-infrared camera, allowing it to see farther and deeper than any other telescope can — and the farther into space we look, the older the objects we see. Light from objects that formed in the early universe undergoes what scientists call a “redshift” as they move away from our neighborhood in the cosmos, meaning that these wavelengths of light become stretched, moving from the visible part of the electromagnetic spectrum toward the invisible part, the infrared.

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