Japan: Doctor commits suicide after 200 overtime hours in one month

Japan: Doctor commits suicide after 200 overtime hours in one month

The family of a 26-year-old Japanese doctor is arguing for a culture change in the Land of the Rising Sun after he took his own life after working 200 overtime hours in a month.

Takashima Shingo was a resident doctor at Kobe City Hospital when he took his own life last May, Japanese public broadcaster NHK reported.

According to family prosecutors, the doctor worked more than 207 overtime hours in the month before his death and did not take a single day off in three months.

However, Conan Medical Center denied the allegations, despite the government’s Labor Inspection Service ruling last June that his death was a work-related incident.

According to his mother Junko Takashima, shortly before his death the young man explained that “it was very difficult” and that “no one would help him”.

“No one is taking care of me, he told me over and over again. I think the situation pushed him over the edge,” he said at a press conference.

Japan will struggle with this overwork culture for years to come, especially in the health sector. “Karoshi,” or “death from overwork,” has forced legislation aimed at preventing excessive overtime-related deaths.

“My son will never become a good doctor, save patients and contribute to society,” said Junko Takashima. “However, I sincerely hope that the working environment for doctors will be improved to prevent a similar incident from happening in the future.”

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