Jean Gratian appeared in the campaign

Jean Gratian appeared in the campaign

(Brampton) Towards the end of the campaign, former Prime Minister Jean-Grottian appeared at a Liberal rally in Brampton, a suburb of Toronto.

Catherine Lewesque
Canadian Press

Mr. Gratian, 87, gathered in the reception hall in the presence of about 400 supporters and expressed his thoughts on the current election, without social exclusion, while at the same time launching well-felt attacks on the opponents of the Liberals. .

“We are experiencing something very extraordinary in politics. It is unbelievable. Opposition leaders did something I have never seen: they did not want an election! Why? They wanted to keep Trudeau there for two more years! He made fun of the former prime minister.

He then fired some arrows at Conservative leader Erin O’Toole.

“When I look at the Leader of the Opposition, you know he’s doing something I can not do. Child care, gun control, abortion, climate change, […] He speaks on both sides of the mouth! Mr. Crodian said.

But his most brutal attacks, he kept them for Yves-François Blanchet.

“When the Black leader said he was speaking on behalf of all Cubes, I was somewhat offended, like the Prime Minister. Listen, I was elected for forty years in Quebec. No one spoke on my behalf!” He said.

“Today he said he spoke for the Akkadians. Well, the Akkadians said:” Take care of your own business! “” He added.

Speaking to reporters after the truth, Mr. Crodian admitted that he had not been informed of the evening formula. But he did not seem to be bothered by the hundreds of people around him. “Glad I came,” he admitted, as he was fully vaccinated.

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Liberal organizers argued that the maximum capacity of the reception hall was respected.

“Everyone has their limits”

Earlier, Liberal leader Justin Trudeau said he had lost patience with an opponent because he had violated acceptable limits by attacking his wife “privately and disgustingly.”

The scene expanded on Monday before an interview with the Global News Network in Barnaby, British Columbia. Two people in the distance tried to disrupt the interview; One is playing music, the other is freely insulting the leader. Suddenly, one of the two men said something very wrong about Sophie Gregory Trudeau.

That’s when Mr. Trudeau lowered his mask and asked, “Isn’t there a hospital you have to bother with now?” “.

He made the ridiculous comment just hours after promising to crack down on people who oppose health measures against hospitals, as is the case across Canada. Liberals, among other things, promise to make it a crime to block access to buildings that provide health services.

Photo by Carlos Osorio, owners

Liberal leader Justin Trudeau with former British Columbia Green Party leader Andrew Weaver.

On Tuesday, as he passed through Richmond, journalists questioned Mr Trudeau about his comments to protesters.

“When people insult me ​​and attack me personally, I think Canadians are well aware that I don’t care too much. This is part of my job. […] But this person attacked my wife in a personal and disgusting way, ”lamented Mr. Trudeau.

« Moi, j’ai choisi ça. Ma famille croit en ce que je fais et endure déjà beaucoup de choses, mais tout le monde a ses limites. Je serai toujours là pour réagir quand quelqu’un franchit ces limites », a-t-il ajouté.

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Appel au vote stratégique

Alors que libéraux et conservateurs sont toujours au coude-à-coude dans les sondages, M. Trudeau a lancé un appel aux progressistes pour qu’ils votent libéral en mettant l’accent sur ses promesses environnementales.

Selon lui, les progressistes ont trois objectifs : empêcher les conservateurs de prendre le pouvoir, voter pour le parti qui a le meilleur plan de lutte contre les changements climatiques et pour celui qui promet d’aller encore plus loin pour sauver la planète. Seul le Parti libéral du Canada peut remplir ces trois objectifs, a soutenu M. Trudeau.

« Et quoi qu’en dise Jagmeet Singh et le Nouveau Parti démocratique, ça fait toute une différence si on a un gouvernement libéral ou un gouvernement conservateur », a martelé le chef libéral.

Il n’a pas manqué non plus d’écorcher le Bloc québécois, qui monte dans les intentions de vote au Québec depuis le début de la campagne.

« On se souvient très bien que le Bloc québécois sous (Stephen) Harper ne pouvait pas empêcher M. Harper de s’attaquer à la culture, de s’attaquer au français, de ne rien faire pour le climat, d’assouplir le contrôle des armes à feu. […] We need progressive Cubs to elect a progressive government. […] Who are we, ”he said.

A recent Lager-la Press Canadian poll shows that the Liberals and Conservatives are tied with 32% support, while the NDP is in third place with 20% of the vote.

In Quebec, the Liberals get 34% support. Black Quebecois, unlike what was reported in some media outlets, gained one percentage point two weeks ago in order to maintain a 30% voter turnout.

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