Justin Trudeau and Chinese Intervention: National Security to Hell!

Justin Trudeau and Chinese Intervention: National Security to Hell!

These days we have confirmed that China wanted to interfere in the last Canadian election.

Don’t be surprised: China, an imperial power, relies on diaspora to advance its interests.

Algeria and Morocco do the same with Algerians and Moroccans in France, and Turkey with Turkish immigrants in Germany.


Despite the great discourse of “living together” and diversity, the original identity of a minority, but a part of the population with a significant, immigrant background can sometimes prove stronger than their citizenship. And the country of origin may unwittingly seek to exploit them.

This is obviously not a question of accusing a community of disloyalty, whatever that may be. But recognize that this tension exists.

Nor is it a question of blaming the representatives targeted by China, but of pointing out that China has bet on them.

Canada is a special case because it lends itself particularly well to this type of interference.

Canada, as we know it, claims multiculturalism. It is the main ideological pillar of the country.

This ideology was originally proposed to neutralize the nation of Quebec. But it profoundly changed Canadian identity.

Canadians, in this logic, are called upon to define themselves first by their own community and then by their Canadian citizenship.

Moreover, it is reflected in the structure of political life.

For example, such a block is implicitly or explicitly associated with the Greek community. Another, to the Haitian community. Another, for the Italian community. Another, for the Chinese community. And so on.

We understand that this mode of operation, precisely, favors foreign manipulation. And especially the meddling of China, an ambitious empire that wants to weigh in on the coming century, is run by the Chinese Communist Party, a totalitarian system.

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Still, denouncing his machinations may draw opposition from Justin Trudeau. Because how does the Prime Minister react to intelligence reports that teach him about Chinese meddling? He dropped charges of anti-Chinese racism.

He did not claim that the information provided was false. He is content to say that it is morally scandalous to be interested in this question and even to ask questions.


To hell with national security. To hell with possible manipulation of elections in the service of a foreign power. Different religions come first.

It must be said that the Liberal Party of Canada has always had a soft line towards the Chinese Communist Party. Pierre Elliot Trudeau, in his time, was inspired by Communist China. When he vomited on Maurice Duplessis here, he yearned to admire Mao. This is called a default judgment.

Today, his son, in spite of everything, despite China’s contempt, despite his half-declared hostility, could not stand up to him. It wants to lecture Canadians who are outraged that their security is being trampled on in this way.

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