Kamloops Residential School Burial Discovery Report Released | Residential Schools: McCabre Discovery in the Kamloops

Kamloops Residential School Burial Discovery Report Released |  Residential Schools: McCabre Discovery in the Kamloops

Preliminary data released as a result of research conducted using permeable radars indicate 215 burial sites on the ground around the establishment. An in-depth analysis of the radar images now obtained brings this number to 200.

This research Not to provide exact figures, but rather to ensure burialDr. Sarah Paulie, an expert in this technology at Fraser Valley University, explained.

Sarah Paulie wanted to remember it This scientific process is not needed to find out if tribal children are missing. […] Remote sensing provides spatial information about this fact.

Only a forensic investigation with excavations will provide definitive results, She mentions.

He says the results of the preliminary investigation are only the beginning of a long work, as only 2 acres of the 160 people around the former boarding school have been surveyed.

Tk’emlúps te Secwe̓pemc Rosenne Casimir, President of the First Nation, calls on the federal government and religious councils to make public all records and documents relating to residents.

The move is important for reconciliation, and he says, in addition, federal and provincial governments should fund research, documentation and preservation of the remains surrounding the old residential school, the chief minister argues.

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Serious discovery is possible for the accounts of the survivors and the excavations carried out Uses penetrating radars.

Memoirs of former settlers allowed archaeologists to explore the area. A wheeled device then traveled to the ground, bombarded by high frequency waves.

Other upcoming discoveries

Using a similar technique, the tribal community The lower cohort The discovery was revealed 182 unmarked graves near former St. Eugene Mission boarding school.

On Monday, Penalgood announced that the first country had discovered more than that 160 Unidentified and undocumented tombs Near the former Native Residential School on Cooper Island.

Earlier in June, the Covey First Nation community discovered 751 anonymous graves Very close to the old boarding school for the natives of Maryval, Saskatchewan.

Not working. Other discoveries are yet to come, Steve Schwickthull Docs, a survivor at a residential school on Cooper Island, warns.

Former Kamloops Native Residential School.

There may be remains of children sent there at about 215 sites near the Kamloops Indian Residential School.

Photo: Radio-Canada / Alex Lamik

A tragic fate

Although these findings have sent shock waves across Canada, the plight of thousands of Indigenous children is already well documented.

Between 1870 and 1990, more than 150,000 tribal children were forcibly sent to one of 139 residential schools run by religious organizations.

The existence of unmarked graves is subject to the numerous testimonies included in the Fact Report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission released in 2015. (New window).

Many Indigenous people shared this information, but always felt that they were not being asked.

Many residential schools have been destroyed in Canada, Mostly at the request of communities. At Kamloops, the establishment is clearly visible, Rosen promises Casimir, So you will never forget.

Trauma as a result of forced family separation, mistreatment and sexual and physical violence by residents Continue to date.

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