Legault promises that the Health Network will continue to provide services in English

Legault promises that the Health Network will continue to provide services in English

He promised on Tuesday during a press conference organized in Laval that Anglophones and immigrants could be treated in the language of their choice.

Act 96 [qui n’a pas encore été adoptée, NDLR] The Prime Minister declared that nothing will change about our commitment as a government to provide services in English even to newcomers who speak only English. So nothing has changed on that page.

Mr. Legault regretted Misinformation Spreads about the bill referring in English to employees of health institutions Will not refuse to treat the patient in English if necessaryThis, Whether or not their parents attended English school.

Invited to explain He refused to participate in the leaders’ discussion in English It was supposed to take place on September 20 – and it may have made it possible for English speakers to explain the configurations of Bill 96 – Mr. Legalt once again raised issues related to the inherent tight schedules in election campaigns.

But unlike last week, he recalled being French General language Quebec and Anglophones make up only 9% of Quebec’s population.

This is the question of survivalHe repeated on Tuesday that he had used the revelation to limit and prioritize the enrollment of Quebec students in the English-speaking CEGEPs to 17% of its current rate and to justify his government’s will. Has rights.

I understand that it’s hard for the Anglophone community to accept this, but it’s a matter of the survival of the phonographs.

A quote Franுவாois Legold, Quebec Premier

A legal project Balance

According to the Prime Minister, the bill is 96 Within reason And is Balance Paul Saint-Pierre Flamonton’s party accuses him of wanting, amidst the post of Quebecois Close half of English speaking CEGEPsAnd the Liberal Party of Dominic Anglet, One who does not like to set boundaries.

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Where should we stop? When will 25%, 50% of students join English colleges?Launched in English by Mr. Legalt towards the Liberal leader, Participated in a massive rally Saturday in front of Dawson College against French language reform.

Franுவாois Legold walking down the aisle with Christopher Skeet.

Prime Minister Franசois LeCold was in Laval on Tuesday morning. For the event, he was accompanied by Christopher Skeet, the region’s only CAQ member.

Photo: Canadian Press / Ryan Remireurs

Attending with the Prime Minister on Tuesday, Saint-Rose CAQ MP Christopher Skeet told himself. His party’s position on Bill 96 is very favorable. He also sees the law as a proposal Balanced and consistent.

It is enough to have a quiet discussionBecause This is a very emotional thingMP, who is also the Prime Minister’s Parliamentary Assistant to relations with English-speaking Quebecs. Pointed out.

As with any band, I think there are those who hold slightly tougher positions than others. We see the same thing on the other hand, Bill 96 did not go far enough and there are bronchophones who think it could go even higher. I try not to trust the climax too much.

A quote Christopher Skeet, CAQ MP for Saint-Rose

Bill 96 is expected to be passed soon next week.

Future legislation would restrict the use of English in the courts and public services, particularly in the powers of the office de la langue française to seize and search. English speaking CEGEP students Take more courses in French as well.


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Possible impacts on services

However, Janet Cleveland, a Sherpa University researcher, believes the bill’s 96 rules. Affects access and quality of essential public services to large numbers of non-French speakers, especially refugees and immigrants.

Because Embedded general rule [la pièce législative] Unless an exception is explicitly provided for in law, services must be provided exclusively in French.She points out.

With a specific reference to health care, Ms. Cleveland English speaking people, Including newcomersContinuing services in English can be obtained at such accredited bilingual organizations MUHC And the Jewish General Hospital.

But elsewhere in the network, he points out, the provision of such services is generally prohibited when immigrants stay in Quebec soil for more than six months.

Languages ​​other than French may be allowed to be used “when required by the rules of health, public safety or natural justice”, but the purpose of this exception is not defined. In the bill, “Ms. Cleveland said.

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