Little girl who fell in Mistaby: The Sûreté du Québec suspends its search

Little girl who fell in Mistaby: The Sûreté du Québec suspends its search

The Sûreté du Québec (SQ) officially announces after launching a search seven days ago with the aim of finding the body of a 4-year-old girl who drowned in the Mistasibi River in Tolbeau-Mistassini in Lac-Saint-Jean. It stops its research.

• Read more: Girl falls into Mistasipi River: City neglected by parents

• Read more: Girl falls into water in front of mother: “River took my child”

• Read more: Girl who fell in Mistaby: “If it's cold, it'll help us,” says SQ

Over the past few days, several special services, such as walkers, divers and aerial surveillance by drone or helicopter, have been called to find the girl who went missing in the water on December 22 while skiing with her mother near the Chateau des Motels. .

“Unfortunately, despite repeated efforts, there are no leads to locate the girl, so we are suspending the ongoing search,” the SQ said in a press release sent to the media on Friday afternoon.

However, divers should visit the site when ice cover permits.

However, SQ notes that services may be remobilized if new elements emerge.

“It should be noted that the investigation surrounding this tragic event is ongoing and that the investigation department of MRC Maria-Chaptilaine has been supporting the family since day one and will remain in touch until the outcome,” the police added.

Remembering facts

On December 22, a 4-year-old girl and her mother were skiing near the Chute des Pères Motel in Dolbeau-Mistassini when the toddler fell into the waters of the Mistasibi River, which is located below. To the south where the current is strongest.

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The tragedy happened near Panoramic Boulevard around 2:30 p.m. All emergency services were quickly alerted.

Despite the involvement of several special services, the distribution of photographs of the girl's coat and seven days of intensive searches, the tiny house was never found.

The tragedy sent shockwaves through the small community of Lac-Saint-Jean. Messages of sympathy flooded social networks and citizens volunteered to participate in ground searches.

The city of Dolbeau-Mistassini also said its “whole hearts” are with the victim's family.

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