Lost children returning to Canada: France demands “a solution” in Ottawa

Lost children returning to Canada: France demands “a solution” in Ottawa

The latter are regularly contacted by French parents who live and work in Canada, and live for hours. Pain, She believes.

As Radio-Canada explained last week, Children of temporary residents are currently losing their return to Canada. This does not apply to children if the work permit parent can leave the area and return without any problems.

For these minors who were not born in Canada, a Visitor registration. To return to Canada after staying abroad, they must obtain written recognition from Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) and prove that this visit is necessary on Canadian soil.

Now, not only this action, It has been severely criticized by federal protests, Unknown, but this recognition [les délais sont de 14 jours ouvrables, selon IRCC] Has been repeatedly denied. No. Even more remarkable, Supports Sophie Logout.

He says this is a move we have known since December. But before that, we were not aware of many such denial cases in the previous months. There are many families who are denied return of children.

According to evidence obtained by French officials, airlines have refused to board children or Canadian customs officials have vetoed the departure of the plane. The children were sent back to France and the parents left with their children., Contact Sophie out.

Faced with this situation, [on] Immigration seized Canada to report the difficulties faced by many families stranded in France.

An excerpt from:Sophie Lock out, French Embassy in Montreal

So France, through its embassy in Ottawa, wrote a letter to Immigration Minister Marco Mendicino Sensitivity And Get a joint solution.

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French diplomacy is fully mobilizedFrench Ambassador Karen Rispal said on Twitter.

Sophie Locke, who does not want to interfere in Canadian politics, has yet to receive any response.

Canadian authorities are sovereign, whomever they allow, and under what conditions. But for the benefit of all, families can unite, and those whose parents are authorized to leave and return to the territory may do so with their children.

An excerpt from:Sophie Lock out, French Embassy in Montreal

Air Canada claims Ottawa bond

Many parents describe the airlines’ approach of denying boarding of children without the written approval of Immigration Canada. “We have an obligation to comply with applicable rules and travel restrictions imposed by Canadian authorities,” explains Air Canada spokeswoman Pascal Terry. We constantly remind our customers to carefully check government entry requirements. These are specifically responsible for keeping the appropriate travel documents, visas and mandatory health certificates and complying with all other qualifications associated with the aircraft on which they purchase tickets., She mentions.

« It tries so hard »

While waiting for a reaction from Ottawa, the testimonies of distrustful parents and families, often of French origin.

Mary-Madeleine Gianni, who immigrated to Canada for almost two years, left Montreal in early July with her 12-year-old daughter for her husband’s native Italy. A little rest on the show, but a funeral and a house sale.

We had heard of this recognition before departure. We were told there would be no problem, She describes. But three days after they arrived in Rome, Panic on board. Their daughter is denied recognition to return to Canada.

It was unexpected, very unpleasant and confusing. The fact that we are already staying is not pleasant, it is very trying.

An excerpt from:Marianne-Madeleine Gianni

The couple made a new request, attaching a death certificate, translated from Italian and proving the need for this shelter and, above all, convincing them to allow Ottawa to bring their child back.

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Like Mary-Madeleine Gianni, Flori Rowlin and Mirti Etienne are waiting for positive news from the IRCC.

The nurses at CHUM each sent their child, a minor, to France to find their grandparents. Temporary persons like us are not allowed to visit Canada, Recalled Flory Rowell.

My son is 13 years old. He should come back on Saturday, but he’s a little scared. He is aware of the situation, Fears a negative response from Ottawa agrees with Mirti Etienne. We do not know when or what the answer will be. This is scary, Continues Flori Rowlin.

Coming back is complicated, we aspire. We try to call the IRCC, and it hangs. We do not know who to ask for help.

An excerpt from:Flori Rowlin, nurse at CHUM

These health workers, who have lost their foreign families since the outbreak began, have warned CHUM boss Fabrice Brunett that she wants to hear her voice help her staff.

CHUM realizes the plight of these nurses, underlined by the organization’s spokeswoman Lucy Dufresne. They worked tirelessly during epidemics, far away from their families and sometimes in difficult situations. It is now our turn to offer our support to them and support them in their endeavors so that they can quickly reunite with their child.

To save lives, I.R.C.

Contacted by Radio-Canada, the IRCC did not deny the details of several written approvals or comment on the request of the French authorities. Ottawa, on the other hand, argues that such recognition is necessary Immediate family members of Temporary residents. We know this will be a tough wait for some, but IRCC spokesperson Sonia Lesage assures that applicants will have to wait until they get accreditation before heading to Canada. These processes are there to save lives. These restrictions have helped to prevent the spread of the disease and to protect the health and safety of Canadians and travelers to Canada.

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Quebec asks Ottawa Active

In Quebec, we follow The situation is close.

We are well aware of the current situation. We do not want families to be divided, We say in the office of Nadine Girald, Minister of Immigration and International Relations in the Legalt government.

Border management is the exclusive responsibility of the central government. So we are asking the federal government to be active and looking for solutions.

An excerpt from:Flor Bouchan, spokesman for Minister Nadine Girald

On the French side, we believe this type of action could have a long-term impact.

Some begin to say, describing Sophie as outcast, that in view of the unequal restrictions placed on them by this rule, they would like to return to France for good and abandon their plan in Canada.

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