Manon Massey looks back on her unlikely “political marriage” to Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois

Manon Massey looks back on her unlikely “political marriage” to Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois

Manon Massé is enjoying her final hours as co-spokesperson for Québec solidaire this weekend.

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In an interview on “Le Billon”, the politician expressed his desire to focus on his role as an MP and to be more on the ground.

The latter also spoke about his collaboration with QS’s other co-spokesman, Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois.

“It was a marriage of chance because we didn’t know each other when we became co-spokespersons at the same time,” she said.

“We learned to know each other, we learned to respect each other,” Ms. Massey added.

He says he is proud of the progress his party has made in the past six years since he and Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois were elected co-spokespersons.

“We tried to find the best of both,” he says.

Manon Massey opined that each of them helped the other to become a better politician.

“I can cut corners a bit. I’m a generalist who likes to embrace things broadly, but Gabriel is a strict guy. That, I think, has helped me be a better spokesperson,” says the politician.

Ms. Massey also believes that Gabriel Nadeau-Dupois helped “a couple of places.”

“I’m a very listening woman, and for me, listening isn’t just about listening. Gabrielle said and continues to say that she’s quietly begun to integrate within herself because she thinks this is a good quality, to deeply understand what the other person wants to bring to reflection. So I’m honored,” said the outgoing co-spokesperson. says

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Also, Manon Massé, who wants to continue standing next to Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois, will certainly become the new co-spokesperson of Québec solidaire this weekend.

Watch the video above to watch the full interview.

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