(Peterborough) Had she been able to return, Mariam Monsieur would not have said the word “brothers” before the “Taliban” at a press conference on August 25. Even if she was “distorted” for “discriminatory” results because she did not expect her words to be so badly received. With two more weeks to go, she hopes the incident will not ruin her chances of winning the Peterborough – Guardiola, Ontario ride, where the fight promises to be very close.
According to a poll conducted by Monstreet last Wednesday, on the front page of a local newspaper on Saturday, September 4, there was disturbing news about Miriam Moncef: her conservative rival, Michael Ferreri, is leading by 13 percent (27% against 40%). The research notes that his words about the “Taliban brothers” hurt him Peterborough Analyst. If there is a large amount of error (5.7%) in the study, the group of outgoing MPs will not hide it: the figures are not as large as we would like.
Photo by Melanie Marquis, Press
Mariam Moncep, Outgoing Minister for Women and Gender, Saturday
She was first elected in 2015 in the Peterborough-Gavarda constituency and re-elected in 2019 as Minister of Women and Gender Equality among the people as “our brothers”. The Taliban was shocked by the controversy over the words. Press, Saturday, sitting in the Peterborough Cafe overlooking the Ottanabi River.
“What I understand is that right-wing politicians have actually learned the lessons of Donald Trump,” M continues.Me Moncef came to Canada in 1996 with his mother and two sisters.
My family was persecuted by the Taliban. That is why I am here; That is why we had to leave Afghanistan. What I did was try to persuade them to release the hostages there.
Mariam Moncef, Peterborough – Liberal MP from Guardia
In conversations with house-to-house citizens she denies that the incident returns to the carpet, making sure someone talks to her more about issues such as health, daycare or the fight against climate change. But in another universe, on social networks, ideas revolve around his mistake. “Actually, Mariam Moncef agrees. On the other hand, I would say that hateful things have been written about me on social media for six or seven years, so …”
Undecided voters
In the streets of the city of Peterborough, many passed by Press Never heard of the story – or, more vaguely. Neil did not digest it: “Does she call the Taliban her brothers?” This is unacceptable, “said the 73-year-old.
Twenty kilometers north of there, in the beautiful small town of Lakefield, the streets are often crowded with tourists coming to enjoy Labor Day long weekends.
34-year-old Heather went there. She is interested in Mariam Mansef. “As a white woman, I do not think I’m in a position to understand these issues of her culture. Then, if we look at things rationally, I do not think she can even for a moment believe that the Taliban are her brothers,” she began under the eyes of her husband and her two young men. Walked across the path.
Photo by Melanie Marquis, Press
Tracy, 38, is not “a fan” of Miriam Monsieur, but wants to vote for the Liberal Party.
Along the same path, Tracy walks with her dog. From the outset, he notes that he is “not a fan” of his representative in Ottawa, believing that after six years in the cabinet he does not have many weapons. “I have nothing big to criticize him for, but I’m not impressed by his communication skills and his judgment,” explains the 38-year-old woman who votes for the Liberal Party.
Still, Tracy wonders if the Liberals will not lose their bet. “I don’t know if this is the right time to hold an election. They may fail by their own mistakes.”
I fear that if the Conservatives win, they will treat the epidemic irresponsibly like Alberta. I am afraid they will start cutting services.
Tracy, a resident of Lakefield, Ontario
Quiet enemies
Conservative candidate Michael Ferry, who is running in the constituency, drove his recreational vehicle across the street on a street, mostly rural, parallel to the river. She was not there then Press, Said his volunteers.
Photo by Melanie Marquis, Press
Conservative candidate Michael Ferry is the entertainment vehicle that meets voters.
In the days leading up to our arrival, not all of our interview requests were answered. On his page on the Conservative Party website, the candidate is described as “a highly respected public speaker, social media marketer and influencer”.
New Democrat candidate Joy Lachica turned down an interview request because she was busy all weekend from Friday to Sunday. An offer was made to provide written answers to the questions Press. At the time of posting, nothing has been sent yet. Mainstream Research is in third place with 19%. The campaign is not over yet, but if the past is any guarantee for the future, the chances of winning the race are slim.
Ride a barometer
Because we call Peterborough – Guarda a barometer ride. Here, in every election since 1993, we have voted unhindered on the “side of power”. Del Maestro, the recently elected Conservative dean, ended his political career in disgrace: in 2015, he was sentenced to one month in prison for raping electoral law during his successful 2008 campaign. Called a few weeks before the 2015 election, he was able to be seen coming to Peterborough Court with handcuffs.
That year, Mariam Moncef took the lead. He received 43.8% of the vote against his conservative rival, 35.1%. In 2019 her margin shrunk slightly. The minister received 39.3% of the vote, while her conservative opponent received 34.9%.
On September 4, the Conservatives ranked Peterborough-Cavarta, Canada, 338th in the riding section. Its creator, Philip J. Fournier mentions a 75% chance of beating Michael Ferry, and he gives 25% to Mariam Monsieur.
On Saturday, at the city center public market, the seller of a flower stand promotes liberalism, who buys two bouquets, should not leave him. When the man, who lives in another constituency, sent congratulations on his victory, his speaker replied with a smile: “You must go here to vote for me. “
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