Media: Radio-Canada loses another member of its administration in Quebec

Media: Radio-Canada loses another member of its administration in Quebec

Carolyn Goddard, head of information and programming at the Radio-Canada station in Quebec, has resigned. The departure comes almost a year after a “toxic” work environment emerged inside the station.

Jean-François Rioux, director general of Radio-Canada’s regional services, told staff Thursday morning. “We know you’ve experienced some uncertainty caused by Caroline’s absence in recent days. We understand the embarrassing situation this has caused you. We appreciate your understanding, “said Tariq al-Hashimi, the party’s secretary general Duty.

The departure comes five months later Former Director of the Capital Center, Veronica Lessard, And almost a year later The sun Revealed the existence of a “toxic” work environment within the group over the years.

Many employees and former employees testified that they were victims of derogatory, derogatory, and derogatory comments.

A compromise process

A radio-Canadian workers’ syndicate report submitted to senior management at the time mentioned several names, including Veronica Lessard and Carolyn Cottrol, by Quebec station staff.

Faced with these tense labor relations, Radio-Canada began a compromise process with the union. “For the past few months, Caroline [Gaudreault] He was heavily involved in the implementation process by professional psychologist Mark-Andre Verret, resulting in the development of recommendations and action plan. I want to highlight all the efforts he has made for it, ”Jean-Fran்கois Riox wrote in his email on Thursday.

All rights reserved.Me Gaudreult, his decision should make it possible to create a clear gap between before and now.

“With all due respect, Mr.Me Gaudreult must make it possible for his decision to create a clear gap between then and now, ”said Pierre Ducinant, president of the Radio-Canadian Workers’ Union. He adds, “The kind of crisis experienced at the Quebec station sometimes leaves deep wounds. This is true for many employees who choose to leave, and this applies to management staff as well.

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MMe Goudralt was hired by Radio-Canada in 2006 as a journalist-executive. MIDI News Broadcasting In Quebec. Before being named the first head of information and programming in 2018, he was head of the radio and web desk.

“It has been a privilege to work with you on Radio-Canada for the past 15 years. I wish you all the best for the future, ”he said in a note to staff.

Jonathan Bernard, deputy editor-in-chief, will act in the interim, so Mr.Me Goudralt.

Regarding shifting the Véronique Lessard in the direction of the station in Quebec, the process is still ongoing and “going well,” Crown Corporation spokesman Mark Pichet underscored.

Selection Committee consisting of General Manager, Regional Services, Jean-François Rioux, General Manager, Human Resources, Jean-François Albert, General Manager, Operations and Transformation, Luc Benoît and Neral ManagerG. Diversity and Content, Yolanda James. “The selected person should be notified as soon as possible,” Mr said without further ado. Says Pichet.

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