Michael Bruley refused to be treated for his bipolar disorder

Michael Bruley refused to be treated for his bipolar disorder

Gurabari, Brazil | Michael Bruley refused to take medication to treat his bipolar disorder and had suicidal thoughts that plunged his disease deeper and deeper.

• read more: Death in turmoil

This is what his brother believed, yet he did not believe that his brother had taken his own life. But he blames himself for not forcing him to take the medicine he needed so badly.

“I think he kept this for a long time [la bipolarité]. It was this disease that gave him so much Driver, Which led him to great success, ”said Martin Bruley.

The diagnosis of this mental health problem was made in 2019. But, according to his brother, the disease has worsened and started to get more and more prevalent in recent years.

Copy of the document on the discovery of bipolarity received by Michael Bruley in Brazil.

Copy of the document on the discovery of bipolarity received by Michael Bruley in Brazil.

He was under pressure to enter politics when he tried to run for mayor of Montreal in 2013 and for the Plateau-Mont-Royal in 2017, and by sexual harassment scandal.

In August 2020, he trained in psychiatry in Quebec and received medication, which he stopped taking last December when he visited his brother in nearby Brazil. So the situation is getting worse.

Authorities had to intervene at least once to resolve the conflicting situation in which Michael Bruley was involved in the quarry.

“Police arrived at the scene, but they did not arrest him because they realized he was not,” recalled Marcelos Andre Silva, a Brazilian friend of the fallen publisher.

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Many as a joke

But a few weeks later, in March, he was arrested in Domingos Martின்nez, a German immigrant village, where he went at midnight during one of his crises.

“He makes fun of someone. […] Eventually, he drops his pants, but he is always with him [sous-vêtements], Then there is a person who has been hurt, ”says his brother Martin.

Mr.  Proulin's grave was covered with flowers after his funeral.

Photo Special Collaboration QMI Agency, Serge Boer

Mr. Proulin’s grave was covered with flowers after his funeral.

The lawsuit alleges he was charged with aggravated assault, aggravated assault with intent to commit grievous bodily harm, and obstruction of police work. He was initially jailed and later taken to a psychiatric hospital.


When he was released, after receiving a second diagnosis of bipolar disorder, Michael Bruley refused to take his medication. More and more bitter he entered a depressing phase in mid-May.

“25, 26 [mai], He told me: “I want to kill myself, but I do not know how”, his brother breathes.

In collaboration with Jeremy Bernier

Long decline

Tuesday 2014
He sexually assaults a writer who brought him his manuscript at his home in old Quebec.

October 2018
A complaint is lodged with the Quebec Police.

October 2020
Michael Bruley is declared guilty.

December 2020
IHe went to his brother Martin’s inn in Guarabari, Brazil.

Between December 2020 and March 2021
Michael Brule finds himself in at least one paradoxical situation in which Brazilian authorities are called upon to intervene.

Tuesday 2021
IHe was arrested after an argument in Domingos Martின்nez for aggravated assault, physical harm, racial slurs and obstruction of police work.

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May 25, 2021
He tells his brother that he wants to end his life.

May 26, 2021
Michael Bruley did not appear in the virtual courtroom. International arrest warrant mentioned.

May 31, 2021
The accused was the victim of a bicycle accident.

See also

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