Montreal Taut-Terrain: Gaskets and Charlebois Oil at SQDC

Montreal Taut-Terrain: Gaskets and Charlebois Oil at SQDC

Inside Montreal, journalist Louis-Philippe Messier travels mainly on the run, his office in his backpack, looking for fascinating subjects and people. He talks to everyone and is interested in all walks of life in this urban chronicle.

Does the name Charlebois and the ball-shaped hair-evoking psychedelic logo remind you of the Quebec song legend?

The Charlebois family company, in partnership with Quebec manufacturer Burgon Pharma, recently launched a cannabidiol (CBD) oil called Belle Âme and a pre-rolled joint with a high CBD content called Roudux.

Ironically, products bearing the singer’s namebetween two seals Contains relatively little THC, the mind-altering substance that gets you “high.”

Famous Quebec singer and Victor's father, Robert Charlebois, will perform at La Tulip Cabaret in November 2021.

Photo by Pierre-Paul Poulin

Famous Quebec singer and Victor’s father, Robert Charlebois, will perform at La Tulip Cabaret in November 2021.

This low level of THC is intentional: Charlebois products rely heavily on CBD, which is valued above all by customers who want a pain-relieving and relaxing effect without sedation.

In short, these products are meant to relieve soreness or aid sleep…not to “freeze” the mind.

“Our flagship product is our CBD oil, to reduce or calm pain, it has no psychoactive effect”, assures Victor Charlebois, the singer’s eldest son.

“My father went to the Burgon Pharma laboratory in Quebec, where 100% natural CBD oil is extracted, he approved the product, and he sometimes uses CBD oil, as does my mother in that case, but I have been leading this project. For two years. »

I was only able to speak to Victor in Charlebois about this presence at the Société québécoise du cannabis (SQDC).

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Visit to the store

I went to a SQDC on Mont-Royal Avenue East with Victor Charlebois.

On site, all bottles of Charlebois cannabidiol oil have already been sold.

However, Charlebois joints remained and were less popular.

GEN-interview with Victor Charlebois to announce CBD oil under the name Charlebois at SQDC in Montreal.

Photo by QMI Agency, Mario Beauregard

“The oil sold well, but the joints didn’t… because the low-THC joints weren’t necessarily what people were looking for, you know? “explains one consultant to us.

A joint that does not freeze, obviously, does not appeal to everyone!

“These are really joints aimed at people who want to consume their CBD by smoking rather than in the form of oil”, details Victor Charlebois, who believes the product will find its customers.

Another time

“CBT is a very harmless substance that, while it’s not as sweet as any drug, doesn’t change the mind,” said Dr. Amnon Jacob Suiza, associate professor at the University of Quebec’s School of Social Work in Montreal. , expert on addiction.

“Anyone who is already taking medication should consult their doctor before taking CBD,” he adds.

“I attended a Charlebois show at the Olympia in Paris in 1973 and at Saint-Jean-Baptiste at the foot of Mount Royal in 1975, and on this last occasion, there was an abundance of illegally smoked joints! I remember the professor laughing.

Dr. According to Suiza, these Charlebois products, now on the shelves of the state-owned company, testify that times have changed.

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