Montreal wants to build a massive tram network by 2050

Montreal wants to build a massive tram network by 2050

The plant’s management dreams of criss-crossing the city with a gigantic tram network by 2050, according to its new urban plan released Tuesday morning.

Despite the major challenges currently facing public transit financing, Montreal is thinking big for the next 26 years.

This is the observation we can make by reading its 2050 Urban Planning and Action Plan presented to the press on Tuesday morning.

With the aim of being “green, fair and resilient”, the city intends to build more than 300 km of public transport in its territory.

To do this, it specifically wants to equip itself with a 184 km tram network, which will serve several major routes in the metropolis.

Montreal wants to build a massive tram network by 2050

Taken from the 2050 Urban Planning and Mobility Plan of the City of Montreal

But that’s not all: Montreal wants to build the metro’s pink line, which will stop at a future station on the blue line, this time extending east.

Also, the Orange Line should be extended from Côte-Verde station, the other end of which will also reach Laval.

During a technical briefing, the city could not quantify the costs of all these projects, but estimated that “tens of thousands of dollars” of investments would be required.

Only 30% of Montrealers currently have transit close to their home.

With all these projects, the city has an ambitious goal of increasing this ratio to 75%.

Two-fold cycle paths

Montrealers are still seeing new spaces dedicated to bicycle lanes.

The upper cycle network will be doubled and reach more than 450 km, including the most important routes such as the Réseau express vélo (REV).

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Also, at least 30% of public space on streets will be reserved for “green infrastructure” and “sustainable mobility”, with the aim of reducing the use of cars and ensuring that two-thirds of all journeys are made. By foot, bike or public transport.

Although Montreal is under fire from private developers for long delays in issuing building permits, the city wants to return to off-market residential supply.

In fact, it will increase from 7% to 20% in 2050, with social housing devoting 75% of this supply.

More details to come…

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