Benoît Duguay, a professor at UQAM’s School of Management Sciences and researcher at the head of public relations and marketing communications, said he was already worried 10 days ago when the first information about the widespread spread of the company’s services from Ottawa emerged. . He says now Very worried
It goes that McKinsey is good at everything… maybe even baking cakes
In an interview with Radio-Canada, he launched into the tongue.
Among the many contracts awarded to McKinsey, the expert did not understand why this company came to carry out studies related to the world of tourism. However, tourism experts say it rains in Canada. Why was McKinsey brought in?
asks Professor Duguay.
He is also concerned about the fact that the company provides services in many countries, especially to various defense ministries. Mr. McKinsey advises Canadian military, US military, Russian forces or even Chinese forces. Duguay, Risks, No Wonders?
Yes, we may have a specific requirement [d’embaucher des] External consultants, but something very special
The expert says.
However, McKinsey appears to have received larger contracts and perhaps less precise objectives. This is Mr. Doesn’t help reassure Duguay.
He believes it tooBy doing business with all governments in the world, we have the impression that they are a sovereign government
The contracts awarded by Ottawa to the American firm McKinsey are more important than disclosed. The consultancy has received $101 million since the Liberals came to power, Radio-Canada has learned. It is enough to give ammunition to the opposition parties who insisted on holding a parliamentary inquiry this week. Reporting by Kim Vermette.
Millions everywhere, including La Defense
In new information released by Radio-CanadaOttawa appears to have awarded McKinsey at least $34 million in defense ministry contracts through 2021.
It is this ministry that has given the most support to this institution. The agency has played a role in the modernization of the Royal Canadian Navy, the promotion of cultural diversity in defense and the complaints handling system, including sexual misconduct in the military.
These include dozens of contracts awarded by the Trudeau governmentA Parliamentary Inquiry, which was imposed by the opposition, was in a strong position in the Government Actions and Assessments Committee. Under pressure, the Prime Minister Justin Trudeau asked two ministers to reconsider awarding contracts to McKinsey.
In a response issued Friday evening, Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC), which is responsible for most of the federal government’s purchases, confirmed it spent a total of $101.4 million on 23 contracts signed over the past 7 years.
Parliamentary inquiry on Wednesday
On the part of the federal opposition, we reiterate the importance of conducting an investigation to better understand what was being asked of McKinsey in exchange for the various contracts.
Access to unamended contracts is essential
insists Christine Normandin, Constituent Québécois MP.
He believes it is necessary to prevent the government from cloaking itself in the secrecy of contracts with the company.
It’s an issue of transparency when you force a private company on this scale.
Deputy Judges.
” We are increasingly in tune with what appears to be the federal government abdicating leadership for the benefit of a private enterprise. »
His conservative colleague Gerard Deltel goes so far as to describe it ATM
Contracts awarded by Ottawa to McKinsey.
These are confusing expressions
He said of the new information released by Radio-Canada.
Questions need to be asked and answered.
The Conservative MP says it’s normal for a government to award contracts, but the extent of the relationship between McKinsey and the Trudeau government justifies elected officials in the Commons looking at the file.
Alexandre Bouleris, a New Democrat, said the hearing would begin next Wednesday.
It may be necessary to go to a public hearing
he said.
Mr. Paularis within his party, We find it so maddening; It’s as if the Liberal government subcontracted entire parts of the federal machinery to a private American company
We worry about cronyism, waste, and concrete results
He adds.
With information by Kim Vermette
“Music geek. Coffee lover. Devoted food scholar. Web buff. Passionate internet guru.”