small crossword
In case you missed Sunday’s mini-episode from The New York Times, you can find the answers here:
We have a rather silly riddle for you today, although it doesn’t have a clear theme. It’s also confused me a few times. See how you solve it yourself. But first…
The New York Times Mini It’s a quick and simple version of the newspaper’s larger and more popular crossword puzzle. On most days, there are between three and five clues in each direction on a five-by-five grid, but the puzzles are sometimes larger, especially on Saturdays.
Unlike its larger sister, The New York Times, Mini Free crossword puzzles to play on New York Times website Or the NYT Games app. However, you will need a NYT Games subscription to access previous puzzles in the archive.
The New York Times Mini It’s a fun daily distraction that usually takes no time at all. I try to beat the standard weekday grid in under a minute. But sometimes I can’t figure out a clue or two and need to figure out the answer.
To help you avoid doing this, here’s what the New York Times says: Mini Crossword answers (There are spoilers ahead of course.):
New York Times Mini Crossword Puzzle Hints and Answers
1) Talent ___ (ability to speak eloquently) – GAB
4) With 7-Across, completely idiot – ridiculous
6) Take it as it is – embrace it.
7) See 4-Across – GOOSE
8) Freddy Krueger Haunted Street – ELM
1) Rhyme Partner of Doom – GLOOM
2) Where are Mont Blanc and Matterhorn located – Alps
3) A very small part of a gigabit – BYTE
4) A herb with a wise voice – sage
5) Hero – Idol
This movie wasn’t bad for me. Two minutes is enough considering my IQ, which isn’t great. I definitely knew Nightmare on ELM street one right away. SILLY GOOSE confused me a bit because I haven’t heard anyone say that in about 15 years.
The DOOM/GLOOM rhyme is fitting since Marvel just announced that Robert Downey Jr. will be playing Doctor Doom, though I doubt that’s why he showed up. I didn’t get the Gig/BYTE rhyme right away, as I was thinking about a job. But I got it in the end.
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