Offensive Language | QS will not file a complaint against Gilles Proulx

Offensive Language |  QS will not file a complaint against Gilles Proulx

(Québec) Québec solidaire (QS) will ultimately not file a complaint against columnist Gilles Proulx for making offensive comments about the party on QUB radio.

The political system last week Mr. Threatened to initiate legal action against Proulx, he called the union representatives “scumbags”, “filth” and “gangrene”.

At a press conference at the National Assembly on Tuesday, QS co-spokesman Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois said the Sûreté du Québec (SQ) had contacted QS and asked if the party wanted to file a complaint. QS refused to do that, arguing that their goal was not to drag someone to court, but to send a message that we can’t act like this in Quebec.

Mr. Nadeau-Dubois said SQ had contacted Gilles Proulx, but he had no details of the discussion.

The party intends to boycott the radio station’s broadcasts until it receives a public apology and full retraction from the columnist.

Mr. Gilles Proulx’s comments are dangerous to the safety of elected officials. Nadeau-Dubois argues that.

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