One word can describe the month of July

July is humid, but this humidity manifests itself differently throughout the month.

This year too, July promises to be generous in terms of rainfall in Quebec. Experts have predicted more than normal rainfall, with widespread rain followed by thundershowers.

Atmospheric conditions are reminiscent of those in July 2023: the waters of the Atlantic Ocean and Gulf of Mexico are again unusually warm, supplying large amounts of moisture to the surrounding atmosphere. Another common feature is a trough of cold air near Hudson Bay, which favors the formation and intensification of lows.

July Season – Weather Conditions

However, a significant change is expected: a trough of cold air will disappear in the second week of the month to give way to a dome of heat.

Widespread rain will begin

By the first third of July, low pressure systems will be relatively well organized, bringing precipitation to much of Quebec. These showers will be less than last weekend, but should still be significant as the disturbance passes.

Then the storms return

From July 10 onwards, systems should be less and less organized. But atmospheric instability combined with heat and humidity can favor another type of event: storms.

These storms, often localized, sometimes lead to heavy and sudden downpours, mainly at the end of the day. The areas most at risk are the west, center and south of Quebec, which are particularly exposed to heat.

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