Opinions Against French Language Reform: Abandoned by Cortera Ordona, described by Montreal as “Modical” by Legalt

Opinions Against French Language Reform: Abandoned by Cortera Ordona, described by Montreal as “Modical” by Legalt

Denise Codery kicked Joe Ordona, chairman of the English Montreal School Board, out of her meeting. Because he spoke out against the French language reform and the idea of ​​Quebec. Franசois Legalt described the school board as “serious.”

“Following the English Montreal School Board’s rejection of Quebec’s competition for French language reform, it decided to immediately expel Ensemble Montreal candidate Joe Ordona from its federation,” he said. . The decision was welcomed by the Prime Minister of Quebec. “I was delighted to see Denise Koder [le] Knock on the door, “said Franுவாois Legalt.

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Newspaper The EMSP said in its pages that it had asked the federal government to refer the French language Bill 96 to the Supreme Court. The EMSB further advanced, emphasizing that Quebec was “not a country, never existed”, according to retired McGill Professor John G.

“It’s not because we gave ourselves an identity, it’s because the Quebec intellectuals deliberately use the word” nation “to evoke a reality that exists only in its own tactics. We must emphasize that “, we can read in the document.

These statements made politicians jump. Franசois LeCald believes the EMSB has become “a radical group”. “These are disconnected words. I look at the federal government and we recognize that Quebec is a country,” he said.

PQ leader Paul St-Pierre Plamondon condemns English Montreal’s “bad faith”. “This report contains all the insults on Quebecs, Francophones,” he said.

These are the words that prompted Denise Godrej to get rid of an embarrassing candidate. “This is unacceptable. The protection of the French language is one of our core values: we have publicly demonstrated this on many occasions, especially with our call for the creation of a French Language Council. I recognize Quebec as a nation, just like our political party. It is completely against the values ​​of the party, ”he said in a written statement.

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Mr. Ordona adds to his team that “Ensemble Montreal and its employer were never warned of its intentions.”

See also …

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