Order of Nurses | One in three students failed the September test

Order of Nurses |  One in three students failed the September test

More than a third of students failed the last exam of the Order of Nurses of Quebec (OIIQ) last September. The order also puts on hold its intention to replace the current exam with the NCLEX-RN used in other Canadian provinces and the United States.

The pass rate for the September exam for female candidates was 63%, which is higher compared to the last two exams. The success rate for graduates outside of Canada is 43%. A total of 1,940 out of 3,081 students have passed.

The pass mark in this exam is fixed at 56.77%. It was determined by a panel of 50 nurses together with experts from the OIIQ and experts appointed by the Office des professions du Québec (OPQ).

Candidates who do not pass the exam can retain their right to practice as candidates for the Nursing Profession (CEPI) which allows them to carry out many of the professional activities assigned to nurses, ‘OIIQ.

“OIIQ places great importance on the future of the profession and the next generation of nurses. He is committed to improving the process of admission to the profession quickly and efficiently, so that the people of Quebec can benefit from nurses who are able to practice as much as possible and are capable of providing safe, quality and humane care in the field,” said Luc Mathieu, president of OIIQ. announced in a press release.

Abnormally high failure rate

There was an unusually high failure rate in the last two examinations of the order. The pass rate for first-time candidates in the March 2023 exam is 53%. As of September 2022, only 51% of applicants have passed.

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Commissioner for Career Admission Mr.e Andre Caribi was commissioned to investigate the reasons leading to this high failure rate. He revealed that the order contained flaws in the examination, questioned the quality of the questions and raised the pass marks without sufficient reason.

In October, Sonia Lebel, chair of the Treasury Board, asked the Office des professions to appoint a governance regulator responsible for supporting the OIIQ board of directors. “To ensure that necessary changes are made”

NCLEX-RN suspended

Also, the OIIQ announced Wednesday that it is suspending all consideration of the NCLEX-RN exam. In May, the order announced that it wanted to replace its entrance exam with the American exam starting in 2024. This test is already used in many Canadian provinces.

The directive now says it wants to complete work on modernizing the higher education ministry-led college nursing program before deciding on the new exam.

OIIQ had been warned by the Commissioner of Career Admissions about the idea of ​​using the American test. “Using a test from a third party, especially one outside Quebec or Canada, means losing part of the control over professional standards and control over the vision of the profession,” he declared in his statement. ‘Investigation.

So far the story

September 2022

Half of nursing students who take the nursing exam for the first time fail.

November 2022

Commissioner for Career Admission Mr.e André Gariépy begins an investigation into the reasons for this extraordinarily high failure rate.

May 9, 2023

According to the findings of his report submitted on Tuesday, the commissioner points out several flaws in the examination, particularly affecting the quality of questions.

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May 11, 2023

The Order of Nurses of Quebec (OIIQ) announces that it will replace its exam with the NCLEX-RN in 2024.

October 17, 2023

Quebec asks the Office des Professions to appoint a personality regulator responsible for supporting the OIIQ.

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