Photo by Martin Chamberland, The Press
A woman uses a temporary sidewalk set up for repairs on Beale Street in downtown Montreal.
Photo by Josie Desmarais, The Press
This bright and colorful poster, called “Hope” by artist Charlie Hewitt, was put up last May across from City Hall in the small town of Rumford, Main.
Photo by Martin Chamberland, The Press
The sun sets over a Sikh temple in LaSalle, Montreal.
Photo by Patrick Sanfacon, The Press
August 28 is back-to-school day at Sainte-Cécile Elementary School in Montreal.
Photo by Josie Desmarais, The Press
The strong early September sun reflects off the windows of the city towers, creating an enigmatic effect on the pavement.
Photo by Dominic Gravel, The Press
Bill Duluth performs on his skateboard during the Jackalope Montreal Festival on the Esplanade of Olympic Stadium from August 25 to 27.
Photo by Martin Chamberland, The Press
Samuel-de-Champlain Bridge at dusk
Photo by Robert Skinner, The Press
George Jr. Karavias Serkakis and Louis Michael Berube hug each other in front of Partage Notre-Dame, an organization that provides food to the homeless in Granby.
Photo by Dominic Gravel, The Press
Portrait of comedian Michel DesRochers in studio (illuminated) Pres
Photo by Martin Chamberland, The Press
Bénédicte Parmentier walks 17-and-a-half-year-old Gitan in a bicycle basket.
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