Pokémon Go is finally adding Kecleon on Chespin Community Day

Pokémon Go is finally adding Kecleon on Chespin Community Day

After five years and two months of waiting, and with surprisingly little fanfare, pokemon go Developer Niantic has finally brought Kecleon to its gotta-catch-em-all mobile game. Kecleon is available to capture Pokemon Go After the end of the Sabbath Chaspin Community Daywhich runs from 2-5 p.m. local time.

Players in countries such as New Zealand and Australia, where Chespin Community Day has already taken place, have reported being able to catch a Kecleon after the event ends. Kecleon appears to be somewhat rare in pokemon goThey only appear on some PokéStops.

Kecleon’s arrival is a big deal for him pokemon go Completers, who haven’t been able to complete their Hoenn Pokédex yet. Kecleon was an extraordinary opponent, even before pokemon go Standards. Pokemon from the Hoenn region – introduced in Pokemon Ruby And sapphire – She was It was originally added to the mobile game starting in October 2017. Since then, 134 Pokémon have been released from Hoenn pokemon go, where players wait 1,908 days for the 135th Regional Pokédex to complete. Players will no longer see this screaming giant “352” in Pokédex.

pokemon go Gamers have teased Niantic about Kecleon, also known as Color Swap Pokémon, for years. The developer has usually responded to questions about Kecleon’s absence by saying that it has been waiting for the right time and the right implementation to bring regular-type Pokémon to the game. Go. Just last year, live game director Michael Steranka said USA Today“In the main series games, Kecleon has a very unique ability. There are certain Pokémon that we want to make sure we want to do right. Before we introduce Kecleon to the world, we want to make sure that the way we present it is special.”

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So, how did Niantic make its Kecleon debut pokemon go… Special?

How to catch a Kecleon in Pokémon Go

After the Chespin Community Day ends, players will find Kecleon at PokéStops, seemingly at random. Players will have to tap a PokéStop to see if a Kecleon is there; The Pokemon will be barely visible, but its red squiggly signature is unmistakable. When players attempt to spin a PokéStop disk with a Kecleon on it, they will receive the message, “There is an invisible obstacle in your way. It is preventing you from collecting items…” Kecleon then “jumps” off the PokéStop disk and appears on the game’s world map. Kecleon can then be captured like everyone else pokemon go Faces.

Now that we can (and know how to) catch Kecleon, the other obvious question is… what took so long? This is something Niantic hasn’t commented on yet, but Kecleon’s long-awaited debut is in pokemon go Arrives at a strange time. Kecleon Skip File Hoenn Throwback Challenge in 2020 and Hoen’s celebration event In 2021, some players were expecting Pokemon to appear in the game Pokemon Go Tor Hoen next one A month in Las Vegas. But ticket holders and attendees of the event may get another coveted opportunity, Shiny Kecleon, whose attendance has yet to be confirmed. pokemon go.

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