Quebec 21 Lite Metro: Opportunity study co-signed by a candidate for climate-suspicion

Quebec 21 Lite Metro: Opportunity study co-signed by a candidate for climate-suspicion

The study of Metro’s advice, recommended by Quebec 21, was signed with party candidate Claude Duplessis, who revealed himself by revealing climate-skeptical speech. $ 5,000 was paid in production costs by Quebec city taxpayers.

This is especially evident from the technical two-hour closed session The Magazine Called Friday afternoon. It presented studies carried out within the framework of the light rail project.

“Mr. Duplessis has participated among many engineers and experts. Basically, Mr. Duplessis is an engineer and a member of the Order of Engineers in Quebec. Whose words came up in the headlines recently.

For days, Quebec 21 had repeatedly said that its research would be exposed if its two main adversaries decided to publish their research. Finally, the party showed the 50-page document to the media and cut the pear in half. However, reporters could not keep a copy of the document.

Research budget

The study was conducted in consultation with Newspaper Includes several maps and graphics, part of which comes from the project office’s explorations on the tram. It includes a “Notice Note” entitled “Conceptual Estimation of Costs for Excavation of About 10km Mine”. So in this area Claude Duplessis and engineer Daniel Duford both work for the same company. Mr. who lives in Cadino. Duford was not on site during the presentation.

Jean-François Gosselin, mr. Duplessis said he was given the order even before he became his candidate. Tito for Serge Simard, who saw the project before it started with the Quebec 21, he added. The $ 5,000 for the study was taken from City Councilor Jean-Fran்கois Gocel’s qualified research budget.

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Why didn’t the party pay for it? The head of Quebec 21, Mayor Labeaume, explained that the study of a tunnel drilling machine was not publicly specified. “At one point, I said I was going to hire my own student. This is what I ordered Claude. [Duplessis]. I wanted to be clear. This is $ 5,000. We do not have the budgets of the project office [du tramway]», He was abandoned.

Mr. In addition to Duplessis, Serge Smart – Civil Engineering Technician, Project Manager and Candidate for Quebec 21, in the Plateau District – gave most of the presentations during the presentation. Roland Couture, a retired hydro-Quebec engineer, also gave some explanations.

Two tunnels

In a study commissioned by Quebec 21, Quebec’s alluvial rock is well suited for digging a tunnel and confirms that the water level is not a challenge in the current case. However, some geological challenges have been recorded in the Holland Avenue area, where about ten trees are expected to be cut down.

Although the question is not yet decided, the party prefers to build two smaller tunnels to cross the metro than one major tunnel for cost reasons. The party says it gets inspiration from the cities of Rennes and Copenhagen, while acknowledging that comparisons are always difficult.

The Quebec 21 has reached a maximum cost of $ 180 million per kilometer for its VALSE project, which includes Metro and Trombus. It offers a maximum budget of $ 3 billion, which is less than a streetcar.

After some hesitation, after correcting some errors, Jean-François Gosselin promised that the study would be published in the next few hours. Among the errors identified by The Magazine, A metro station in the Avenue Beacon (Sainte-Foy) area, although part of the plans, is not included in the graphics.

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In addition, the Quebec 21, 2.1 km tunnel, will connect the upper part of the tramway project with the lower city, causing major construction problems due to geographical imperfections in the Parliament Hill area. The party suspects a recent $ 600 million increase in street car spending was caused by these technical issues.

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