Quebec announces series of easing of health restrictions | Corona virus

Quebec announces series of easing of health restrictions |  Corona virus

According to our sources, this confirms the information originally published The Journal of Quebec, This health measure is in practice It was imposed in ten regions at the beginning of the school year The delta will be removed on November 15 to deal with the variation.

This result is particularly illustrated by the fact that 79.3% of adolescents between the ages of 12 and 17 have been adequately vaccinated, according to data recorded on October 31 by the National Institutes of Health (INSPQ) in Quebec. There are currently 23 active explosions in high schools.

However wearing a mask is mandatory when traveling in school, public areas and school vehicles.

Elementary school students who have not yet been vaccinated will not be affected by this relief.

Students and staff are currently required to wear masks in high schools in Montreal, Laval, Monterrey, Lanadier, Laurentites, Center-to-Quebec, Outvoice, Estre and Mauritius, and in some regional district municipalities such as Sauer-Appalach மற்றும்s and Pass-Saint. – Laurent.

Dr. is a microbiologist-epidemiologist at the Center Hospital University de Montreal. According to Cecil Tremblay, the Quebec school is in the process of reaping the benefits of the measures imposed at the beginning of the year.

All of these actions asked of the people should have a one-day effect. And we see that it has the effect of reducing the circulation of the virus, She commented. We are not expanding social coverage. In this situation, we can relax some measures.

The epidemiological situation justifies the fact that when we sit down and listen to a lesson, it can certainly free us from the mask.

A quote:Cécile Tremblay, microbiologist-epidemiologist at CHUM

Relief for bars, restaurants and ski resorts

Quebec will also announce that owners of bars and restaurants will no longer be obligated Keep a record of their customers Until November 15, our sources indicate.

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This obligation, which was made to facilitate the search for contacts, was condemned by the tenants.

Nevertheless, they must continue to ensure that their customers show up when they enter their vaccination passport.

From the moment you have proof of vaccination [exigée], There is no need to keep a record because the risk of explosion is significantly reduced. […] We do not need this double measure. Then it was a burden on companies.

A quote:Cécile Tremblay, microbiologist-epidemiologist at CHUM

From Monday, bars and restaurants in Quebec Can operate at maximum capacity, Instead of 50%, liquor stores may reopen until 3 a.m., just as they were before the outbreak.

For their part, ski resort owners will know that they will not be forced to limit their capacity for next season. However, skiers must also ensure that they provide their vaccination passport proving that they have been adequately vaccinated.

According to our information, Quebec will also announce reductions related to public meetings.

With information from Sebastien Bowett and Veronica Prince

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