Québec solidaire prefers vegetarian meals in schools and hospitals

Québec solidaire prefers vegetarian meals in schools and hospitals

(Gatineau) Québec solidaire proposes a green transition on the plates of cafeterias in the public sector by offering a menu with 50% “foods of plant origin”. Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois himself is trying to eat less meat to reduce his carbon footprint.

Posted at 4:56 p.m.

Charles Lecavalier

Charles Lecavalier

“I’m not a vegetarian, but I eat less meat than I used to. I’m a big BBQ fan. I actually ate a lot of meat. I was brought up in an environment where meat was almost morning, noon, night,” he explained at a scrum in Gatineau.

“With climate change, I know there are habits that need to change, and I’m trying to eat a little less,” she said.

To write a love letter to Tempe Mr. Don’t expect Nadeau-DuBois to pick up the pen. “There are things I’m still trying to suppress. There are things I’m not used to eating,” said Goin MP.

I am more conservative and honest than people think. I’m still getting used to eating some.

Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois

Reduce meat production

It is the government’s role to tell citizens what to eat, Mr. Nadeau-Dubois was not convinced. However, the menus of canteens in the public sector such as schools, hospitals, museums can be modified, for example, to offer a vegetarian option for all. In fact, his party proposes to “adopt a food procurement policy in the public sector, including 70% local food and 50% plant-based foods”, as well as “provide technical and financial support for the transition from conventional to organic farming and reimbursement for organic certification”.

Ultimately, the climate plan reduces meat production in Quebec, which will be replaced by market gardening. Its “Vision 2030” modeling by Esmia Consultants in collaboration with Dunsky Energy + Climate “replaces a portion of milk production and beef, pork and poultry meat, as well as grains and cereals. Fruits, vegetables and cereals and animal feed towards an increase in grain production (- 5% to – 12% by 2030).

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Parliamentary President of Québec solidaire undertakes “supporting farmers towards less polluting crops”. He will have a chance to present his views on green agriculture during a meeting with the Union des Productions Agricole on Wednesday.

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