Rain and strong winds are expected in Quebec on Tuesday

Rain and strong winds are expected in Quebec on Tuesday

A streak of beautiful sunny weather will be interrupted earlier in the week by rain and a drop in the mercury across much of Quebec starting Tuesday.

But with generous sunshine and a temperature of 21 degrees in the southern province on Monday, it will still be nice, especially in Montreal, despite strong winds.

Environment Canada said the situation is also expected in central parts of the province with gusts of up to 60 km/h across Estrie, Beauce and Quebec.

On the other hand, in sectors a little further north, cloud cover is expected, especially in Chagune, where the maximum temperature will not exceed 15 degrees.

In the Outaouais and Abitibi-TĂ©miscamingue, the sun and clouds will alternate on Monday with risks of rain for some sectors, the federal agency said.

Weather will remain gloomy in eastern Quebec, where cloudiness will be followed by rain with strong winds in the morning, especially in Bas-Saint-Laurent and Gaspésie.

Much of Quebec will see widespread rain on Tuesday, while the center and east of the province will experience a sharp drop in temperatures.

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