Rating of Govt-19 | 591 new cases, two deaths

Rating of Govt-19 |  591 new cases, two deaths

Quebec reported 591 new COVID-19 cases and two additional deaths on Saturday. Public Health has listed six fewer hospitals associated with the corona virus.

Coralie Laplande

Coralie Laplande

New infections bring the average number of cases per day for seven days to 450.

More than half of the new cases, or 360, were unvaccinated or received the first dose within 14 days. Thirty people who received only one dose at least 14 days ago and 201 people who took the second dose at least 7 days ago were affected.

In all, 425,393 Quebecs were affected by Govt-19, and 11,493 died.

A total of 244 people have been hospitalized due to the effects of the virus. 67 of them are in the intensive care unit.

As for the vaccine, 90% of Cubs aged 12 and over received the first dose of the vaccine. Of those, 87% have gone twice.

The Department of Health estimates that those who are not vaccinated are six times more likely to become infected and 20 times more likely to be in intensive care.

With the Canadian Press

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