Ruba Gazal will again try to become the female spokesperson of Québec solidaire

Ruba Gazal will again try to become the female spokesperson of Québec solidaire

A first candidate has stepped forward to succeed Émiles Lessard-Therrien as co-spokesperson for Québec solidaire (QS): Rupa Gajal, who finished second last fall, just three votes behind her rival. He was in office for five months.

The Montreal MP made the announcement Wednesday morning in La Fontaine Park in the company of about thirty activists, including a former spokesperson. FRAPRU François Silent and former candidate Laura Avalos insisted he wanted to focus on his campaign. Party unity And Love of Quebec.

The race hasn’t started yet, but the start date will be announced in the coming weeks. Delegates gathered in the National Assembly last month QS They have opted for an emergency campaign that will culminate in the election of a new spokesperson during a virtual congress from November 15 to 17.

Ms Gajal also confirmed her intention to enter the race for the second time in two years.

Position of Woman Spokesperson for QS Vacated by the resignation of Émile Lessard-Therrien on 29 April. The latter notably left her position pointing the finger at a close protégé of her male opponent, Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois, whom she accused of exerting undue influence over the party.

A staunch libertarian

Rupa Ghazal is the Member of Parliament for Mercier in Montreal, a riding that borders the Plateau-Mont-Royal borough.

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