Running away from trailer on Highway 40 near Repentini

Running away from trailer on Highway 40 near Repentini

An injured cow ran free after escaping from its owner’s trailer on Highway 40 in Repentigini sector this afternoon causing a stir.

The incredible story began when a couple carrying the animal stopped on the shoulder of Highway 40 before crossing Highway 640.

After a few minutes of panic on the highway, the injured cow was brought under control.

Photo courtesy of Marco Lelièvre

After a few minutes of panic on the highway, the injured cow was brought under control.

The animal, which had large wounds on its thigh and leg, was restrained and tried by its owner to calm it down, but she took to her heels.

Trucker Marco Lelievre saw the whole scene. He was about to shake hands with the man when the mare ran away.

“People are trying to control it with pickups and cars,” the 41-year-old man explains.


Marco Lelievre, overcome by adrenaline, ran towards the beast to stop the situation from getting out of hand.

“You’ve got to control it, somebody’s got to hold it,” he told himself.

The trailer was stained with mare's blood.

Photo courtesy of Marco Lelièvre

The trailer was stained with mare’s blood.

You should know that in the westbound direction, the traffic was slower, but “almost” jumped the mare in the opposite direction, where motorists were speeding.

“It could have caused a pile-up,” admits Marco Lelievre.

Long minutes

“I’ll tell you she walked for a good 3, 4 minutes before we got her under control, he adds. I left my truck in the right lane and ran down the highway. I saw her coming towards me. […]I was waiting for it.

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The Sûreté du Québec confirmed Register He intervened at the scene, but when the police arrived, the mare was subdued.

No criminal charges have been filed against the animal’s owner.

With Maxime Deland, QMI Agency

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