Samuel L. Jackson weighs in on Quentin Tarantino’s anti-Marvel comments – Deadline

Samuel L. Jackson weighs in on Quentin Tarantino’s anti-Marvel comments – Deadline

Samuel L. Jackson On the Comments made by Quentin Tarantino Regarding the actors involved in marvel Movies that are overshadowed by the characters they portray.

“It takes an actor to be those specific characters,” Jackson said. the view When asked about Tarantino’s remarks. “And the sign of movie stardom was always, What are the asses in the seats? What are we talking about?”

The actor has worked with Tarantino in the past on films like Pulp Fiction (1994), Jackie Brown (1997) and Django Unchained (2012). Jackson is also part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, making his first appearance in Iron Man (1998) as Nick Fury. He has reprized his role several times after that in movies like Captain America: The First AvengerAnd the oxAnd the Avengers: Infinity WarAnd the Avengers: EndgameAnd the Captain MarvelAnd the Spider-Man Far From Home And next year Marvels.

He added, “So, it’s not very controversial for me to know that these actors are apparently movie stars.” As you know, Chadwick Boseman is the Black Panther. You can’t refute it. And he’s a movie star.”

Tarantino made a controversial statement during his podcast appearance 2 bears, 1 cave He says, “Part of the Marvel of Hollywood… You have all these actors who become famous playing these characters. But they’re not movie stars. Right? Captain America is the star. Or Thor is the star. I mean, I’m not the first person to say that. I think That this has been said a million times over… But it’s like, you know, these franchise characters become a star.”

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Shang Chi Simu Liu was one of the Marvel actors who… I retracted Tarantino’s assessment.

Watch Jackson’s interview on the view In the video posted below.

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