School Co-operation Movement Project | Motivation to end the “school market”

School Co-operation Movement Project |  Motivation to end the “school market”

(Montreal) The Quebec education system is “inefficient and unequal” and to reform it, the L’École group movement proposes to stop funding private schools so that all students in the province can go to their nearest school and access specific programs.

Released at 10:06 p.m.
Updated at 10:21 p.m.

Mary-Eve Morassae

Mary-Eve Morassae

Five years after it was formed by parents, the movement l’École Group took charge again a few months before the provincial election, proposing a plan aimed at fundamentally changing the education system.

“I want to tell you that we have an unfair school system,” said Claude Lessard, an educational sociologist and former head of the Conseil supérieur de l’éducation, who together chairs the school’s board of directors.

He went on to say that the existing education network “has winners and many losers”.

At the center of the proposal, released on Monday, is the creation of a single network of schools where each student will attend their nearest institution. Therefore, the decision of the subsidized private schools is that on the horizon of six years, they should exclusively welcome students from their valley.

Stephen Wignold, co-ordinator of the School Together Movement, told a news conference that “schools no longer select their students.” The children go to their school [de quartier] Regardless of their parents’ ability to pay, ”Mr. Wignold continued.

As in Ontario, schools can select their students privately, but they will no longer receive public funding, “directly (subsidies) or indirectly (school transport”, the movement’s report says.

The school hired Franசois Delorme, an economist at the University of Sherbrook, who estimated the annual savings for Quebec would be $ 100 million.

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The School Together movement seeks to generalize the model already implemented in some middle schools in the province, meaning that special programs should be offered free of charge to all students without selection based on academic results.

Last week, Education Minister Jean-François Roberge promised to introduce special programs, often expensive, and new measures accessible to all.

According to the latest data provided in this case PressOne in four students (23.6%) attending public high school enroll in the program in 2020-2021.

The International Education Program is very popular, followed by sports, arts and language programs.

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