Science news this week: Sunken Cities and the Mystery Tree of Life

Science news this week: Sunken Cities and the Mystery Tree of Life

Among the advanced gravitational wave detector Back to Life and discovery A 3,000 year old bakery still covered in flourThe science world has once again delighted us with another week of groundbreaking news. And nothing is more groundbreaking at the moment than the combined mass of New York City’s 1,084,954 buildings, which are literally causing the city to sink at a rate of about 0.08 inch (2.1 mm) per year.

Speaking of the heavy stuff, paleontologists in Argentina have unearthed the remains of A Giant long-necked titanosaurwhich is about 100 feet (30 m) long. Dinosaur fossils were so heavy that when they were transported to Buenos Aires for study they caused a traffic accident and smashed the asphalt on the road. Fortunately, no bones, human or dinosaur, were shattered.

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