‘Secret’ screening of canceled Batgirl movie in studio – reports | bat girl

Warner Bros. Discovery is said to be holding a series of secret “funeral shows” for its never-released DC movie Batgirl, starring Leslie Grace, Michael Keaton, and Brendan Fraser.

The Hollywood Reporter confirmed With multiple sources that a select few who worked on the film, including the cast, crew and studio executives, will be attending screenings this week at the Warner Bros lot in California. One source described them as “funeral shows,” where the footage will likely be stored forever and never be shown to the public.

Earlier this month, Batgirl became the headlines When it was revealed that Warner Bros. Discovery’s new CEO, David Zaslav, had ordered the entire $90 million film to be scrapped, even though filming had ended. Starring Leslie Grace as superhero Barbara Gordon, JK Simmons as Barbara’s father, Commissioner Gordon, Fraser as the villain Firefly, and Keaton back as Batman. visual.

The news generated a worldwide reaction, with many on social media using the hashtag #releasebatgirl to invite Warner Bros. to release the film. Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige and directors including James Gunn, Kevin Smith and Edgar Wright expressed their support for the cast and crew who worked on the film.

The decision to cancel the film was prompted by wider cuts to Warner Bros. Discovery after the two companies recently merged, and it seeks to save $3 billion. If the movie isn’t shown, Warner Bros. Discovery could cut the taxes as a money-losing project.

Batgirl was shown to members of the public only once, in a single audition examination.

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The Hollywood Reporter reports that there is a chance that Warner Bros. “will take the drastic step of destroying their Batgirl footage as a way to prove to the IRS that there will never be any revenue from the project, and therefore should be fully qualified. Write it off immediately.”

Tuesday, In an interview with the French Script ExecutorBatgirl directors, Adel Elaraby and Bilal Falah, said they no longer own any copy of the film, recalling the moment they found they could no longer access the servers containing the footage.

The Arab said, “We were like damned shit!” “All the scenes with Batman in them! Shit!”

Elaraby said it’s unlikely they’ll get studio support for a future release or that there could be the equivalent of “Snyder’s Cut” — Zack Snyder’s four-hour cut from DC Film Justice League, which added an additional $70 million to the $300 million budget movie. .

“It cannot be edited in its current state,” Elaraby said. “There are no visual effects… We still have some scenes to shoot. So if they ever want us to shoot Batgirl, they will have to give us the means to do so. To finish it right with our vision.”

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