Security of Personal Medical Data | MP Sedlakwe is disappointed by the government's rejection of the parliamentary commission

Security of Personal Medical Data |  MP Sedlakwe is disappointed by the government's rejection of the parliamentary commission

(Montreal) Michelle Setlakwe, MP for Mont-Royal-Outremont, said she was disappointed by the Coalition Avenir Québec government's refusal to host a parliamentary committee on the protection of personal medical data.

This request Sedlakwe, last spring, was the Liberal Party's critic for access to information and the protection of personal information.

The request was filed after cases of unauthorized consultation of medical records emerged.

Specifically, a survey Pres Several consultations of Véronique Cloutier's medical file in May 2023 were not approved.

The Ministry of Health and Social Services (MSSS) continued An Act respecting health information and social services, Aiming to create a digital health record for every Quebecer, the confidentiality of medical data must be respected.

“Enacting the Act […] Provides additional authority to the MSSS and Network in terms of protection of personal information, including accountability. Strict and criminal sanctions are also provided Law For incompatible applications », pointing to the office of Health Minister Christian Dubey in an email to The Canadian Press.

The Liberal MP sees the digital reform of medical records as “a step in the right direction” but believes “it will take years before it is fully operational”.

The Auditor General's report, published in November 2023, indicated that organizations in the health network “lack rigor in managing risk and incidents related to the confidentiality of digital personal information.”

Mme Sedlakwe considers the Auditor General's findings “absurd”. Only two health care companies were audited as part of the report, but the Liberal MP says a parliamentary commission would have made it possible to paint a “fuller picture of the situation”.

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For its part, the health ministry says it has ordered a survey of non-compliant advice from companies.

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