Sega announces Yakuza 8, the new Kazuma Kiryu Spin-Off game

Sega announces Yakuza 8, the new Kazuma Kiryu Spin-Off game

Yakuza 8

screenshot: Sega

Sega just released trailers for two new characters yakuza Games on the way: Yakuza 8the next major game in the series (And one we saw and already knew), And the like dragon jaiden, brand new commercial starring Kazuma Kiryu. This makes these three yakuza ads in one week for Sega, Yesterday, after revealing Like a dragon: Ishin!

first up yakuza 8, which seems to have abandoned Ichiban as her only star in favor of a joint adventure with Kiryu, the man no one can say goodbye to. Please note that Sega does not really use an extension yakuza name anymore, this is officially called like a dragon 8but it will take some time to get used to, so for now let’s keep calling him Yakuza 8:

Like Dragon 8 | Trailer ad

The eighth game in the main series will be released in 2024 on PS5, PS4 and Xbox Series X | S, Xbox One, and And the computer. I… I don’t know how to handle what they did to Kiryu’s hair here, and to be honest, I don’t want to talk about it right now. Instead, let’s move on to the other Kiryu related project that was shown overnight, called Like the Dragon Jayden: the man who erased his name:

Like the Dragon Jayden: The man who erased his name | Trailer ad

Currently this is interesting. Not only does it fill in some narrative gaps, it shows us what Kiryu has been working on Yakuzas 6 & 7, but also specifically aimed at fans who preferred the old style of the game (before Yakuza 7 A leap into turn-based combat), with a heavy emphasis on action-based combat. The game is said to be a smaller and more manageable affair as well, and it lacks the extension of the main line yakuza games, so hopefully it’s a little cheaper too.

Like the Dragon Jayden: the man who erased his name It will be released in 2023.

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