Sega gets smaller than Mega Drive 2 next

Sega gets smaller than Mega Drive 2 next

tracking Sega Genesis Mini In 2019, Sega has the following mini retro console – Sega Drive Mini 2. (In North America, the original console will be known by its other name, Sega Genesis 2.) The company announced the new console during Live broadcast in Japanese And after stirring the advertisement – With an inaccurately decorated cake – last week.

The Sega Drive Mini 2 is slated to release in Japan on October 27, but a North American release date has yet to be announced. Sega Genesis Mini has been released worldwide Simultaneously in 2019. The retro mini console will cost 9,980 yen, or somewhere around $75. That goes in line with the Sega Genesis Mini, which retailed for $79.99. Sega Drive Mini 2 is expected to ship with 50 games covering Mega Drive and Mega CD sets, including sonic the hedgehog cdAnd the Virtua RaceAnd the busy mail.

Sega also announced the addition of a Sega CD for the mini-console that will reproduce its classic look, with a mini-CD player placed alongside the mini-console. It’s so cute, it looks like it comes with a miniature simulation cartridge of Virtua Race and a mini cd emulation for sonic the hedgehog cd. Adding a Sega CD mini costs an additional 4,500 yen, or about $35. The add-on does not do anything or add any additional capabilities, According to a Sega listing on its website – It’s just for the classic look.

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