She never bought new furniture at a store

She never bought new furniture at a store

Christian Boucher, 72, is proof that you can stop consuming for most of your life while being happy.

“I got divorced at 30, I was a puppeteer, it wasn't enough for a living, but I always had nothing to lose and had faith in life,” recalls the mother of 3. Happiness by ceasing consumption.

Initially, she adopted a frugal lifestyle out of necessity, but it eventually became her passion.

Mme Boucher has also held various jobs over the years, such as a benefactor's assistant or housekeeper.

In his consumption habits, Mme Boucher buys all of her clothes at thrift stores.

“I don't go to the shops,” says the woman, who now lives with her partner in Saint-Georges-de-Peaus. “I lack nothing, but I have certain needs.”

Its consumption is mainly in food; She actually had chickens last year.

“For me, recycling is important, there are businesses that sell recycled or used items, and you can find beautiful furniture on the side of the road,” M assured A person who doesn't buy new furniture from butcher shops.

Christian Boucher in front of his house in Saint-Georges-de-Beaus.  She pays $800 a month in rent to live there.

Photo courtesy of Christian Boucher

$5 taxi

Mme In 2013, Boucher also gave up his car as repair bills overwhelmed him. “I like public transportation,” he says, adding that he now uses the municipal shared taxi service TaxiBus, which costs $5 a trip in Saint-Georges-de-Beauce.

“It allows me to meet friendly locals, which is good for harmonious relationships,” he adds.

Mme Boucher often uses the Amigo Express carpooling service, which allows him to travel between Saint-Georges-de-Beauce and Montreal (one way) for $30-35. A bus ride from Beause to Montreal costs $68.

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A savings of $9,600 per year

M. as directed by fateme In his lifestyle, the butcher took advantage of the fact that some houses were very affordable in the area. She and her partner currently rent a home for $800 per month. Saw an ad on Facebook through a friend who lives in the area.

“We have been here for two years and the owner has not even given us a raise. [le loyer] Again, we fell in love with the place, said Mme Butcher. What we currently have is worth at least $1500-$1600 per month. So the mortgage for M costs twice as muchme Boucher and his partner.

Mme Boucher admits he never counted the savings he made from his habits. “I know I'm saving, but I don't really think about money,” she says. For me, wealth is a non-material thing.

“I think the pandemic and inflation have led people to review the way they consume,” says Butcher. But for me, life seems to have prepared me for this.

Mme Boucher and his partner also A Mini van They travel with it. “We don't need much comfort to live. We love to travel, we’re a little bohemian,” she reveals, promising that they will visit Mexico next winter. Van.

  • Buy your laundry supplies at thrift stores.
  • Never go to supermarkets.
  • His furniture is recycled (and so are his materials).
  • Abandoning the car.
  • Travel by shared taxi in Saint-Georges-de-Bauce.
  • Use carpooling.

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