Shooting: Mystery still lingers in Esterel

Shooting: Mystery still lingers in Esterel

The Sûreté du Québec is trying to clarify the circumstances of a shooting that injured a Russian national in the Laurentians on Friday, after the release of a former gang leader linked to the incident.

• Read more: Shootout in Esterel: Ex-gang leader arrested

• Read more: A relative of a notorious fraudster was fired

At dawn over the long weekend, Valery Tarasenko showed up at a popular resort with at least one gunshot wound to the groin, and a large police force was mobilized.

The 44-year-old Russian national is a close and former business partner of Inna Yashkishin, the fraudster who infiltrated Donald Trump’s entourage.

He is said to have seriously injured himself with his gun during a botched encounter.

They were released after being arrested

The lead was raised after the suspect, Richard Goodridge, 53, was arrested and questioned by police on Sunday morning. He was eventually released on a promise to appear without charge.

The former Hells Angels relative was deported to his native Guyana by the Immigration Commission in 2014 for serious crime but returned to the country in 2016.

He would also be one of the founders of the former Gang 67, which was rampant in the Saint-Michel district of Montreal.

It has not been ruled out that charges will be filed against Valery Tarasenko and Richard Goodridge at a later date.

In an interview with Le Journal, the mayor of Estérel, Frank Pappas, refused to comment on the case, recalling that citizens had nothing to fear.

He also wants the provincial police not to prejudice the investigation.

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– With Maxime Deland, QMI Agency

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